

The Victorian era is an exciting and dynamic research area at UVic. Faculty members active in Victorian scholarship are Alison Chapman, Mary Elizabeth Leighton, Judith Mitchell, & Lisa Surridge, and we are joined by a lively group of graduate students and postdocs with interests in the area. , Canada's only Victorian Studies journal, is based at UVic (Editorial Team: Mary Elizabeth Leighton, Judith Mitchell, & Lisa Surridge).

Alison Chapman founded and is the Director of the and also founded and runs the Department's Nineteenth-Century Poetry Group, which meets to hear and discuss short research papers in an informal setting. The Victorian research group organized the joint North American Victorian Studies Association/Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada conference in Victoria in October 2007. Together with graduate students and faculty from History, Art History, and English, they run an informal research colloquium called Victorian Studies at UVic; the group serves as a sounding board for work in progress by grad students and faculty (conference papers, articles in preparation) in order to offer constructive criticism in a collegial setting.