
Digital Humanities

The digital humanities--and, more specifically, its incarnations in digital literary and textual studies--are well-represented at UVic across a curriculum that incorporates computing at both undergraduate and graduate levels, across research of international significance involving graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty, and across a range of activities that engage the local, national, and international community (including the annual , plus a few recent conferences: , , and ).

Why DH? Read about it in Matt Kirschenbaum's "" as well as in the Companions to and -- plus the , which documents typical days in the life of those who practice DH.

  • Kim Blank is the creator, writer, and editor of  ,,  (with Magdalena Kay), and the  website.
  • Alison Chapman is the Principal Investigator and editor of the SSHRC-funded , and has published on nineteenth-century digital studies. 
  • Janelle Jenstad: General Editor of The Map of Early Modern London (MoEML); research interests in London Studies, digital mapping, textual studies, editing Shakespeare and early modern texts.
  • Stephen Ross: The online Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, in progress, as well as the Modernist Versions Project (starting with Tarr, and aiming to become a large online resource for comparison of textual variants of works in literary modernism
  • : Work in progress includes , the Modernist Versions Project, and various essays on digital culture. Member of the editorial board for and 's council of advisors.
  • Lincoln Shlensky: Project in progress on an online archive of Caribbean film resources.
  • : Varied work in progress, including the Implementing New Knowledge Environments project, centred in the , which also runs the . Past publications include the , , and .

Emeritus Faculty

  • Michael Best:


  • ENGL 305 Visual Rhetoric for Professional Writers
  • ENGL 401 Web Design
  • ENGL 407 Computer-Mediated Communication
  • ENGL 412 Computer-Assisted Research and Reporting

Past Graduate Courses

  • Other (International)

For a full listing of courses, please see the .