
Janice Niemann

Janice Niemann

PhD Candidate


BA, MA (Queens)

Area of expertise

Victorian literature, 19th-century British fiction, garden spaces, garden design and landscape history, children's literature, the novel

Dissertation Title: Two in the Bush: Garden Settings, Social Deviance, and Subverting Generic Conventions from Radcliffe to Burnett

Supervisor: Lisa Surridge

Janice is a PhD candidate in English, working on garden settings in 19th-century British fiction. Her dissertation explores how novelists use gardens to facilitate social deviance and subvert generic conventions. Significantly, these novelists portray garden spaces—walled gardens, summer-houses, shrubberies, and lime-walks—differently than did actual 19th-century garden designers and landscape architects. Her research interests also include sexuality studies and compassionate pedagogy. Janice loves teaching and recently completed her graduate certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LATHE). She has taught multiple sections of ATWP 135 and is teaching ENGL 385: Erotica and the 19th-century Garden in spring 2021.