

Admitted (full-time) students are automatically considered for a range of funding, including fellowships, awards, teaching, and research assistantships. Students are also encouraged to apply for a range of additional internal and external funding opportunities. CSPT students may be eligible for extra funding through the CSPT Program. Part-time MA students are not funded. 

  • Funded PhD students can expect to receive at least $125,000 over five years (an average of $25,000 per year, including a mix of fellowships, awards, TAships, and teaching).
  • Funded MA students receive a one-year funding package of $15,000-$18,500 (including a mix of fellowships, awards, and TAships). 
  • Research Assistantships, which allow students to assist professors with major research projects, may be offered as part of a funding package or available dependent on individual professors' needs. Amount of Research Assistantships and RA funds vary from year to year.

The lists below provide further information on available scholarships, awards, bursaries, and teaching opportunities. Note that exact dollar amounts will fluctuate from year to year; the amounts listed are based on recent years' awards. For the most current information, visit the University's main awards page

Fellowships and Awards

Funding for which students are automatically considered:

  • University Graduate Awards - between $1,000 and $10,000/year
  • University Fellowships
    • Doctoral - $10,000-$20,000/year
    • Master's - $10,000-$17,500/year
  • Department Awards/Fellowships
    • Doctoral - up to $15,000/year
    • Master's - up to $10,000/year
  • President's Research Scholarship - $4,000/year
  • Howard E. Petch Research Scholarship - $7,500
  • David F. Strong Research Scholarship - $7,500
  • General Graduate Scholarships - variable
  • Charles and Ruth Hayward Memorial Scholarship - $9,000
  • Albert Hung Chao Hong Scholarship - variable
  • Sam and June Macey Graduate Scholarship in English or History - $1,000
  • Martlet Chapter IODE Graduate Scholarship for Women - $350
  • UVic Alumni Association Graduate Award - $2,000
  • William and Doreen Kerby Scholarship in Medieval British Literature - $1,000
  • Dr. Shelley Anne Martin Memorial Scholarship - variable
  • Pat Koster Scholarship in Women's Writing, 1660-1900 - $1000

Funding for which students may apply:

  • Internal
    • Margot K. Louis Award - $2,275
    • Ian H. Stewart Graduate Fellowship - $6000 (through CSRS)
    • Vanderkhove Family Trust Graduate Student Fellowship - $5,000 (through CSRS)
    • Hugh Campbell and Marion Alice Small Graduate Scholarship for Scottish Studies - at least $10,000 (through Humanities)
    • Conference and research travel funds up to $1200/year (through a combination of Department and FGS travel grants)
  • External
    • SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarships and Fellowships (application mandatory for PhD students)
      • Doctoral - $20,000-35,000/year
      • Master's - $17,500/year


Teaching Opportunities

Graduate students in English may be supported through Teaching Assistantships (MA and PhD) and Sessional Lecturer positions (PhD).

The Department offers a one-year Teaching Assistantship and three terms of Sessional teaching for all incoming PhD students. Incoming MA students will be considered for Teaching Assistantships depending on availability and student interest. The Graduate Secretary will solicit expressions of interest from MA students accepted to the program in April, and final decisions are normally made around the beginning of May.

Teaching Assistantships

TAs work for a supervising instructor who designs the course and mentors their teaching development.  TAships vary depending on the supervising instructor but usually entail marking and some opportunities for classroom teaching. 

PhD Sessional Lecturers

Since PhD students frequently seek teaching appointments at colleges and universities upon completion of their degrees, the program offers them the opportunity to teach as instructors of record. PhD students are eligible for sessional teaching when they have completed a one-year TAship and their Candidacy Porfolio. PhD Sessional Lecturers are normally assigned to AWR courses; some opportunities for upper-level teaching may become available for advanced students. 

PhD students who hold SSHRC awards normally do not teach during the tenure of their award. 


  • Tuition - $2135 minimum/ term (Domestic), $2692 minimum/term (International)
  • Housing - approx. $1800/month (bachelor/studio)
  • Transportation - free
    • a bus pass is included in student fees
    • cycling and walking are feasible year-round
  • Students with accessibility needs related to housing and transportation may find information for on-and off-campus resources through the  

Current detailed tuition information can be found in the Faculty of Graduate Studies website and in the Academic Calendar. A tuition fee estimator is available here

Information for International Students

International students need to provide a Study Permit and Social Insurance Number (SIN) to the Department before commencing their studies or working in TA or Sessional positions. Information and assistance related to immigration documents or settlement services (including health insurance) can be found through International Student Services (ISS)

Specific information about living in Canada can be found here