
Colonial legacies in South Africa

South Africa field school
UVic students had the chance to examine the effects of colonial histories on everyday life for people living in South Africa.

** Update (May 2020): Following guidelines set forth by the Government of Canada and BC's provincial health officer, the university has placed a temporary hold on outbound global mobility programs. For more information, visit www.uvic.ca/covid-19/travel/index.php **


Spend three weeks in South Africa learning about the legacy of colonialism. Learn on the ground about impacts of colonial histories in everyday life and on rural and urban landscapes; sustainable rural development; apartheid and reconciliation; grassroots anti-poverty initiatives; community responses to HIV/AIDS; gender and development; land, labour and global economy; and modes of historical memory.

The school (HIST 468) consists of one week of intensive classroom study at UVic, and three weeks in South Africa. Third and fourth-year students from all disciplines are welcome to apply. Travel awards and scholarships are available.

Please note: this field school is not offered every year. Please contact for more information.