
BSW degree requirements - Specializations

In addition to our standard BSW, the following specializations are available:

  • Child welfare
    The intent of this specialization is to prepare students for child protection work and other positions in government and non-profit child welfare services.
  • Indigenous*
    This specialization provides opportunities for Indigenous BSW students to focus their undergraduate program on preparing for leadership roles as helpers and healers in Indigenous communities and various Indigenous organizations.
  • Indigenous child welfare*
    This specialization combines courses from the Indigenous and child welfare specializations with an emphasis on the well being of Indigenous children, families and communities.

If you would like to complete a BSW specialization program, you will follow the same application process and admission requirements as all BSW applicants. For information on admission, please see the admission information page. Once you receive an offer of admission into the BSW program, you would choose the specialization option on your acceptance form.

*Admission to the Indigenous specializations is limited to students of Indigenous ancestry. We do not enforce colonial definitions of Indigenous Peoples for entrance and welcome students who come from various nationhoods Indigenous to Turtle Island (North America). We are further inclusive of various identifications of Indigenous including Métis and Inuit Peoples.