
On-campus/distance education combined program

On campus students on a field trip
On campus students on a land-based education site

On-campus/distance education combined program
Mode of delivery
What our students say
Further information

On-campus/distance education combined program

Our core courses comprising the 3rd year of both the Standard BSW and Specializations BSW will be offered on-campus in the September and January term dependant on interest and resources.

All courses comprising the 4th year of both the Standard BSW and Specializations BSW (required courses as well as social work electives) will be offered by distance education only. Distance education courses are offered in the September, January, and May terms. Occasionally and if resources permit, a 4th year social work course may be offered on-campus. General electives if required can be taken on-campus.

Students are encouraged to proceed full-time through their third year on-campus studies to establish a solid connection with fellow students and the school. This creates a mutually supportive community of learning and provides an opportunity to develop a network of support as students move into taking 4th year courses by distance education. Former students have indicated that distance education courses do provide them with much more flexibility in terms of full/part-time work, family, other commitments or while in the 4th year field education placement.

Note: Students may attend full or part-time. If attending part-time, students need to be aware that 3rd year on-campus courses are offered only once in each September to April cycle. Alternatively, students may elect to take courses by distance education if space is available.


Mode of delivery

On-campus courses are offered during weekday hours in September and January semesters. On-campus courses are not offered in May semester. Some of our on-campus courses follow a learning model in which face-to-face instruction is enhanced by online learning activities. The average class size is 38 students.

Distance education BSW courses are offered in September, January and May semesters, with set start and end dates, and specific participation and assignment deadlines. For each course, you are given access to a Brightspace course site. Brightspace (by Desire2Learn) is the new learning management system adopted in 2020. Instructors can post lecture notes, facilitate class discussions and small group exercises, create quizzes and provide links to learning resources. Online participation is a required component of each course. Instructors are available for group or one-on-one consultation via email or web-conference, or by telephone as required.

To help you determine whether distance education is a good fit for you, here are some important considerations:

• You will require regular and reliable access to a computer and the Internet

• You will be required to spend 8-12 hours per week on each course

• All online Social Work courses follow the regular UVic semester schedule with set start and end dates, and specific participation and assignment deadlines

• You need to be comfortable communicating online in a group environment, via both written discussions and live web conference sessions


What our students say 

What some of our on-campus students have said:

"I have enjoyed the sense of community the School of Social Work fosters through mentorship, instruction and inspiration. I have felt that everyone around me has wanted me to succeed, which has in turn enriched my learning experience."

What some of our distance education students have said:

“For me, the two biggest surprises about online learning have been that I don't feel alone in cyberland, but rather feel connected to folks across the country and inspired and challenged by them (the depth of this connection varies depending on the group, but is there nonetheless). Secondly, I love the peer learning aspect of our online learning togetheroverall group discussions have been a very positive experience.”

“The depth of support I received from people I had never met completely amazed me.”

Further information

Check out our faculty, instructors and staff

The School of Social Work has a unique student mentorship program.

Information on tuition and costs



For more information about applying to the program, contact:

SOCW 番茄社区 (BSW)
Phone: 250-721-8036
Email: swadmit@uvic.ca
