
Admission information

The School welcomes and is actively recruiting applicants from communities that experience historical and present-day systemic discrimination and marginalization, and who are committed to social justice, equity, anti-racism and decolonization. In our admissions decisions, we will apply a decolonial equity framework which includes an intersectional lens and will prioritize applicants who are Indigenous, Black and people of colour.


What do I need to apply?

Admission to the BSW program requires:

  1. Completion of a minimum of the first two years (30 units) of an undergraduate program at UVic, with an overall average of at least 3.5 (on the UVic 9.0 point scale) or better, or the equivalent at another university or community college on the last 12 units of university-transfer course work at the time of application (up to and including December).

  2. Within the required 30 units, completion of  and  or their equivalents.
Please see our Eligibility Document for details.

You should also get familiar with relevant admission policies in the UVic Academic Calendar such as Undergraduate calendar – Undergraduate Admission & Social Work: Requirements.

When can I apply?

Entry to the BSW is at THIRD year.
The BSW 番茄社区 application forms and processes are available on the School of Social Work website in December of each year for September entry.

January 31st is the deadline for both:

  • The supplementary application submission to the School of Social Work

  • UVic Undergraduate 番茄社区, Undergraduate Records Program Change, or Re-registration applications, and official transcripts

Apply here

How many students are admitted to the program?

The number of applicants admitted will depend on the resources available to the School and the number of qualified applicants. An initial screening for admission will be based on sufficient number of units and grade point average as stated above. Provided applicants meet these criteria, they will be evaluated for admission to the School of Social Work based on grade point average, and a written submission.