

Information for employers

Co-op is an innovative learning strategy that integrates practical experience with academic studies. Employers are an integral partner in the education process. Co-op is a cost-effective and flexible strategy for recruiting bright, motivated student employees.

Students with a wide range and depth of skills are available to meet employers' needs for short-term projects or ongoing activities. Health Information Science students normally undertake four-month work terms commencing in September, January or May (eight month long placements are possible).

Health Information Science - Employer Brochure

HINF Co-op Job Description -  Template

Student skills

Our students take courses in the areas of database design, statistics, networks and telecommunications, health care software design, structure and management of the health care systems, epidemiology, hospital information systems, information resource management, medical methodology, systems analysis, healthcare ethics and project management. They offer skills in areas such as:

  • researching and writing reports
  • project management
  • developing and implementing databases
  • website development and maintenance
  • IT training of clinical staff
  • hardware and software setup and upgrades
  • data analysis and mining
  • help desk support
  • creating technical documentation
  • establishing service agreements with clients/vendors
  • designing, implementing and supporting clinical systems
  • interfacing information systems
  • extracting and reporting information from databases
  • analyzing and interpreting clinical data

Ready to hire a co-op student?

The hiring process is simple! Please contact Jason Bond, Co-op Coordinator

250-721-8577 |