
Undergraduate Co-op

You'll alternate your terms in class with paid work terms in your field of study, and graduate with relevant work experience, amazing contacts and strong skills

Co-op work-terms are mandatory for all undergraduate students. 

*Note: International students must submit a copy of their Co-op Work Permit prior to accessing the Co-op Job Portal


All of our undergraduate students are automatically enrolled in the co-op program and there is no need to apply to co-op after you are accepted into the B.Sc.

  • have completed all courses listed in the first and second year of the model program
  • have a GPA of 4.0 or better
  • be a student in good standing (not on probation)
  • currently be enrolled in a minimum of four (4) courses
  • not have any deferred exams outstanding
  • International students must submit a copy of their Co-op Work Permit prior to accessing the Co-op Job Portal
  • complete the comprehensive Professional Practice course (HINF 202) before the first work-term.  This is to help prepare students for their applications, interviews and hiring process. It's typically offered in the fall term and students will register for it along with their other courses.

For questions or concerns regarding co-op eligibility, please contact the Co-op Coordinator

**Note: Any deviation from the above will require written permission from the Director of the School.

The first co-op is typically undertaken the second summer of the program, the second co-op during the Spring term of the third year, and the third co-op during the Fall term of the fourth year.

Learn more

Finding a co-op

Once you have met the eligibility requirements for a co-op work term and have confirmed your co-op sequence with us, we will continue to support you with your work search.

**If you are interested in pursuing an international co-op, please reach out to your co-op coordinator to discuss possibilities. We advise students to be pro-active in developing their own contacts and job opportunities abroad.

On the job

Undergraduate HINF co-op forms

For more information about Health Information Science Co-op, please contact:

Jason Bond, Co-op Coordinator


Katie Rowe, Co-op Assistant

250-721-6458 |