
Sick leave

Provisions for sick leave are defined in each of the employee groups' collective agreements or terms of employment. See information on sick leave amounts and vacation tracking.

The following information is avaiable to help you manage a sick leave.

Employee group FAQs

CUPE 4163

Who do I contact if I am sick and unable to come to work?

Employees must make every reasonable effort to contact their supervisor (or manager) directly at the earliest opportunity. You must notify your supervisor that you are unable to work due to illness or injury, and provide an expected date of return.

How do I find out the balance of my sick leave?

You and your department are responsible for reporting and tracking sick time. Check with your supervisor or designate if you have questions about your sick leave balance.

What are my sick benefit entitlements?

For employees with a monthly accural of paid sick leave (i.e. component 2-second language instructors), please check with your supervisor if you have questions about the balance of your sick leave entitlements.

What if I don't have sick leave benefits?

Staff without sick leave accural may, with a supervisors' approval, exchange the time with another TA/Sessional or may make up the lost time.

What if my illness/injury is a result of a car accident (ICBC) or workplace injury (WorkSafe BC )?

Please advise your physician, supervisor and/or Work Life Consultant if your injury/illness is related to an ICBC or WorkSafe BC incident.

When do I contact a Work Life Consultant?

Any time you have questions, concerns or comments regarding sick leave, return to work or medical accommodation you are encouraged to contact your supervisor, Work Life Consultant or

If you're likely to be off work for two weeks or more, either you or your supervisor should contact your Work Life Consultant. This early contact will greatly assist in providing employees and departments with the appropriate support.  

When is a medical documentation required for sick leave?

Medical documentation maybe required at any time in case of illness or injury. However, requests for medical documentation for illnesses of less than five working days can be requested with the appropriate approval of the Associate Vice President of Human Resources.

What information should a medical document contain?

Your doctor can provide you with medical documentation via a doctor's note or a physician's certificate, a form to assist you and your doctor with capturing the following required information:

  • Confirmation of an absence due to illness or injury.
  • Functional impact of the illness or injury where applicable.
  • Identify if a return to work is possible with modifications to the workplace or work tasks.
  • Prognosis for return to work or next medical reassessment date.

Where the illness or injury requires medical accommodation in the workplace, additional medical information will be requested.

Who do I give my medical documentation to?

If you're comfortable, forward the medical documentation to your supervisor. You can also forward your medical documentation to the Work Life Consultant assigned to your department.

Medical documentation received by your Work Life Consultant is kept separate from your personnel file. After receiving medical documentation, they'll update your supervisor with the prognosis for return to work and relevant functional limitations impacting you in the workplace.

Will I get reimbursed if my physician charges me for completion of a medical note?

When medical information is required or requested, your department will reimburse you after you have submitted a receipt.

What if I’m out of sick benefits?

You may use days from your vacation account to remain on full salary. You are responsible for giving authorization to your supervisor if you choose to use these days during sick leave.  

In the event you have no vacation/termination account days, you can apply for

You will require a record of employment (ROE) for your EI application. Contact your supervisor or designate, as they will be responsible for completing a Position Status Change Request form and submitting this to HRIS in order for a ROE to be issued.

Who do I call if I have a question about my extended health or dental benefits?

Email the Benefits Office at: benefits@uvic.ca

CUPE 917

Who do I contact if I am sick and unable to come to work?

Employees must make every reasonable effort to contact their supervisor (or manager) directly at the earliest opportunity. You must notify your supervisor that you are unable to work due to illness or injury, and provide an expected date of return.

When do I contact a Work Life Consultant?

Any time you have questions, concerns or comments regarding sick leave, return to work or medical accommodation you are encouraged to contact your supervisor, Work Life Consultant or . 

If you're likely to be off work for two weeks or more, either you or your supervisor should contact your Work Life Consultant. This early contact will greatly assist in providing employees and departments with the appropriate support. 

Who do I give my medical documentation to?

If you're comfortable, forward the medical documentation to your supervisor. You can also forward your medical documentation to the Work Life Consultant assigned to your department.

Medical documentation received by your Work Life Consultant is kept separate from your personnel file. After receiving medical documentation, they'll update your supervisor with the prognosis for return to work and relevant functional limitations impacting you in the workplace.

What information should a medical document contain?

Your doctor can provide you with medical documentation via a doctor's note or the , a form to help you and your doctor with capturing the following required information:

  • Confirmation of an absence due to illness or injury.
  • Functional impact of the illness or injury where applicable.
  • Identify if a return to work is possible with modifications to the workplace or work tasks.
  • Prognosis for return to work or next medical reassessment date.

Where the illness or injury requires medical accommodation in the workplace, additional medical information will be requested

What if my illness/injury is a result of a car accident (ICBC) or workplace injury (WorkSafe BC )?

Please advise your physician, supervisor and/or Work Life Consultant if your injury/illness is related to an ICBC or WorkSafe BC incident.

When is a medical documentation required for sick leave?

Medical documentation shall be required by the university for any absence of five days or more.

After consultation with the Sick Benefit Bank Committee, including written documentation, the university may require a physician’s certificate for periods of less than five days.

How do I find out the balance of my sick leave?

You and your department are responsible for reporting and tracking sick time. Check with your supervisor or designate if you have questions regarding your sick leave balance.

What are my sick benefit entitlements?

For regular employees, the rate of accumulation will be 1 ¼ working days per month, less any sick benefits used and any sick benefit bank assessment. Regular employees working less than full-time will have pro-rated benefits.

If you're a term employee, contact your supervisor about sick benefit entitlements.

Will I get reimbursed if my physician charges me for completion of a medical note?

When medical information is required or requested, your department will reimburse you after you have submitted a receipt.

What if I’m out of sick benefits?

You may be eligible to access CUPE 917’s sick benefit bank. For further details contact your union representative.

What if I’m out of sick benefits and sick bank?

You may use days from your vacation and/or termination account to remain on full salary.

You are responsible for giving authorization to your supervisor if you choose to use these days during sick leave.  

In the event you have no vacation/termination account days, you can apply for

You will require a record of employment (ROE) for your EI application. Contact your supervisor or designate, as they will be responsible for completing a Position Status Change Request form and submitting this to HRIS in order for a ROE to be issued.

Who do I call if I have a question about my extended health or dental benefits?

Email the Benefits Office at: benefits@uvic.ca

CUPE 951

Who do I contact if I am sick and unable to come to work?

When an employee is away from work due to illness or injury, they should make every reasonable effort to contact their supervisor, or designate, as early as possible prior to commencement of your regular work day. 

How do I find out the balance of my sick leave?

You and your department are responsible for reporting and tracking sick time. Check with your supervisor or designate if you have questions about your sick leave balance.

What are my sick benefit entitlements?

For regular employees, the rate of accumulation will be 1 ¼ working days per month, less any sick benefits used and any sick benefit bank assessment. Regular employees working less than full-time will have pro-rated benefits.

If you're a term employee, contact your supervisor about sick benefit entitlements.

What if my illness/injury is a result of a car accident (ICBC) or workplace injury (WorkSafe BC )?

Please advise your physician, supervisor and/or Work Life Consultant if your injury/illness is related to an ICBC or WorkSafe BC incident.

When do I contact a Work Life Consultant?

Any time you have questions, concerns or comments regarding sick leave, return to work or medical accommodation you are encouraged to contact your supervisor, Work Life Consultant or . 

If you're likely to be off work for two weeks or more, either you or your supervisor should contact your Work Life Consultant. This early contact will greatly assist in providing employees and departments with the appropriate support.  

When is a medical documentation required for sick leave?

Medical documentation maybe required at any time in case of illness or injury. However, requests for medical documentation for illnesses of less than five working days can be requested with the appropriate approval of the Associate Vice President of Human Resources.

What information should a medical document contain?

Your doctor can provide you with medical documentation on a doctor's note or a physician's certificate, a form to assist you and your doctor with capturing the following required information:

  • Confirmation of an absence due to illness or injury.
  • Functional impact of the illness or injury where applicable.
  • Identify if a return to work is possible with modifications to the workplace or work tasks.
  • Prognosis for return to work or next medical reassessment date.

Where the illness or injury requires medical accommodation in the workplace, additional medical information will be requested.

Who do I give my medical documentation to?

If you are comfortable, forward the medical documentation to your supervisor. You can also forward your medical documentation to the Work Life Consultant assigned to your department.

Medical documentation received by your Work Life Consultant is kept separate from your personnel file. After receiving medical documentation, they'll update your supervisor with the prognosis for return to work and relevant functional limitations impacting you in the workplace.

Will I get reimbursed if my physician charges me for completion of a medical note?

When medical information is required or requested, your department will reimburse you after you have submitted a receipt.

What if I’m out of sick benefits?

You may be eligible to access CUPE 951’s sick benefit bank. Contact your union representative for details.

What if I’m out of sick benefits and sick bank?

You may use days from your vacation and/or termination account to remain on full salary. You are responsible for giving authorization to your supervisor if you choose to use these days during sick leave.  

In the event you have no vacation/termination account days, you can apply for

You will require a record of employment (ROE) for your EI application. Contact your supervisor or designate, as they will be responsible for completing a Position Status Change Request form and submitting this to HRIS in order for a ROE to be issued.

Who do I call if I have a question about my extended health or dental benefits?

Email the Benefits Office at: benefits@uvic.ca


Who do I contact if I am sick and unable to come to work?

Employees must make every reasonable effort to contact their supervisor (or manager) directly at the earliest opportunity. You must notify your supervisor that you are unable to work due to illness or injury, and provide an expected date of return.

How do I find out the balance of my sick leave?

You and your department are responsible for reporting and tracking sick time.

Check with your supervisor, or designate, should you have questions regarding your sick leave balance.

What are my sick benefit entitlements?

Illness up to one month

A full-time confirmed regular staff member (ie, a regular staff member who has successfully completed the probationary period for his or her initial appointment) who is unable to work due to personal illness shall inform the supervisor or designate immediately and, upon approval, will be granted paid sick leave up to one month. Such approval will not be unreasonably denied.

Illness up to three months

If a confirmed regular staff members inability to work due to personal illness extends beyond one month, such staff member shall inform the supervisor or designate immediately and subject to a medical report confirming the staff member’s inability to work due to personal illness, will, upon approval, be granted paid sick leave of up to two additional months. Such approval will not be unreasonably denied.

Illness beyond three months

If a confirmed regular staff members inability to work due to personal illness extends beyond three months, such staff member shall inform the supervisor or designate immediately and subject to a medical report confirming the staff member’s inability to work due to personal illness, will, upon approval, be granted paid sick leave of up to three additional months. Such approval will not be unreasonably denied.

Staff members in the probationary period of their initial appointment are entitled to one and one half days of paid sick leave per month for personal illness.

What if my illness/injury is a result of a car accident (ICBC) or workplace injury (WorkSafe BC )?

Please advise your physician, supervisor and/or Work Life Consultant if your injury/illness is related to an ICBC or WorkSafe BC incident.

When do I contact a Work Life Consultant?

Any time you have questions, concerns or comments regarding sick leave, return to work or medical accommodation you are encouraged to contact your supervisor, Work Life Consultant or

If an employee is likely to be off work for two weeks or more, either you or your supervisor are asked to contact their Work Life Consultant as this early contact will greatly assist in providing employees and departments with the appropriate support.  

How do I contact my union representative?

Call the PEA office:  250-385-8791

When is medical documentation required for sick leave?

Medical documentation may be required by the university at any time in case of illness.

What information should a medical document contain?
  • Confirmation of an absence due to illness or injury.
  • Functional impact of the illness or injury where applicable.
  • Identify if a return to work is possible with modifications to the workplace or work tasks.
  • Prognosis for return to work or next medical reassessment date.

Where the illness or injury requires medical accommodation in the workplace, additional medical information will be requested.

Where do I obtain medical documentation?

Your doctor can provide you with medical documentation via a doctor's note or physician's certificate, a form which can assist you and your doctor with this process.

Who do I give my medical documentation to?

If you are comfortable, forward the medical documentation to your supervisor. Or you can forward your medical documentation to the Work Life Consultant assigned to your department.

Medical documentation received by your Work Life Consultant, is kept separate from your personnel file. After receiving medical documentation, the Work Life Consultant will update your supervisor with the prognosis for return to work and relevant functional limitations impacting you in the workplace.

Will I get reimbursed if my physician charges me for completion of a medical note?

When medical information is required or requested, your department will reimburse you after you have submitted a receipt.

Who do I call if I have a question about my extended health or dental benefits?

Email the Benefits Office at: benefits@uvic.ca

Primary Care Tip Sheet provides information on primary care options in the Victoria and Sooke area for staff who do not have a primary care provider.