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Recent research



  • Accelerating Community Energy Transformation (ACET) Project. Funded by a SSHRC CFREF Grant ($83.6M). CI Basma Majerbi
  • Balance Co-Lab: Collaboration for Sustainable Communities. Funded by a SSHRC Partnership Grant Stage 2 ($2,500,000). PI Matt Murphy

  • Multi-Dimensional International Monitoring System for the Implementation of the Commonwealth Sport Declaration on Truth, Reconciliation and Partnership with Indigenous Peoples. Funded by a Mitacs Accelerate Grant ($90,000). PI Adel Guitouni

  • Coastal Climate Solutions Leaders. Funded by NSERC CREATE program ($1,650,000). Co-PI: Basma Majerbi. Grant holder: Julia Baum.

  • Community Resilience Workshop, Funded by SSHRC, Connection Grant ($25,000). PI Natalie Slawinski, Co-Investigators Diego Coraiola, Matt Murphy, Shelley Price


  • Canada's North Research Project. Contract agreement with DND/RMC ($62,500). PI Adel Guitouni

  • Canadians’ hopes, perceptions, experiences and deliberations about workplace voice. Funded by Employment and Social Development Canada ($450,000). Co-PI: Simon Pek


Kinger-Hans, L., Chittoor, R., Vissa, B., & Chen, G. (2024). Family- Controlled Business Groups: An In-Depth Review and a Microfoundations-Based Research Agenda. Journal of Management, 50(1), 307–346.

Kalra, K.*, & Danis, W. (2024). Language and identity: The dynamics of linguistic clustering in multinational enterprises. Journal of World Business, 59(4).

(Komal Kalra is a PhD alumni)

Du, Q., & Hellmann, T. (2024). Getting tired of your friends: The dynamics of venture capital relationships. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 58, Article 101088.

Maclean, M., Harvey, C., & Suddaby, R. (2024). Institutional biography and the institutionalization of a new organizational template: Building the global branded hotel chain. Business History, 66(1), 311–339.

Coraiola, D. M., Foster, W. M., Mena, S., Foroughi, H., & Rintamäki, J. (2023). Ecologies of Memories: Memory Work Within and Between Organizations and Communities. Academy of Management Annals, 17(1), 373–404.

Brenton, J., & Slawinski, N. (2023). Collaborating for Community Regeneration: Facilitating Partnerships in, Through, and for Place. Journal of Business Ethics, 184(4), 815–834.

Easter, S.*, Murphy, M., & Brannen, M. Y. (2023). Negotiating Meaning Systems in Multi-stakeholder Partnerships Addressing Grand Challenges: Homelessness in Western Canada. Journal of Business Ethics, 183(1), 31–52.

(Sarah Easter is a PhD alumni)

Chen, X., Lee, C., Hui, C., Lin, W., Brown, G., & Liu, J. (2023). Feeling possessive, performing well? Effects of job-based psychological ownership on territoriality, information exchange, and job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(3), 403 -424.

He, Y., & Chittoor, R. (2023). When Does It (Not) Pay to Be Good? Interplay Between Stakeholder and Competitive Strategies. Journal of Management, 49(7), 2490-2522.

(Ye He is a PhD alumni)

Hibbert, P., Caza, A., Coraiola, D. M., Gerhardt, M., Greenberg, D., Laasch, O., … Wright, A. (2023). Why be an Editor?. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 4, 569–573.

Kumar, A., Shi, H., Skiba, J., Saini, A., & Lu, Z. (2023). Impact of Buying Groups on Buyer–Supplier Relationships: Group–Dyad Interactions in Business-to-Business Markets. Journal of Marketing Research, 60(6), 1197-1220.

Suddaby, R., Schultz, W. S., Wood, G., & Markman, G. (2023). Management policy and practice: a guide to writing for AMP. Academy of Management Perspectives, 37(4), 287-390.

Smith, C., Shasha, L. & Smith, B. (2023). The entrepreneur identity assimilation process: It's not all work and no play. Journal of Business Venturing, 38(5), 106326.

Salmon, E*., Chavez R., J. F.*, & Murphy, M. (2023). New Perspectives and Critical Insights from Indigenous Peoples’ Research: A Systematic Review of Indigenous Management and Organization Literature. Academy of Management Annals, 17(2), 439–491.

(Emily Salmon and Juan Francisco Chavez Ramirez are both PhD alumni) 

Suddaby, R. (2023). Media Review: Ronald L. Jepperson and John W. Meyer Institutional Theory: The Cultural Construction of Organizations, States and Identities. Organization Studies, 44, 515–518.

Nachum, L., Stevens, C.E., Newenham-Kahindi, A. et al. (2023). Africa rising: Opportunities for advancing theory on people, institutions, and the nation state in international business. J Int Bus Stud 54, 938–955.


  • Kristin Brandl, editorial review board, Journal of International Business Studies
  • Raveendra Chittoor, editorial board, Journal of World Business
  • Diego Coraiola, editorial board member, Organization Studies
  • Diego Coraiola, guest editor, Journal of Management Studies, fall 2021-spring 2025
  • Stacey Fitzsimmons, editorial review board member, Academy of Management Review
  • Ricardo Flores, editorial board, Journal of Management Studies
  • Huachao Gao, editorial review board member, Journal of Marketing Research
  • Simon Pek, editorial review board member, Journal of Management Studies
  • Roy Suddaby, guest editor, Journal of Management Studies
  • Roy Suddaby, journal editorial board, Organization Studies
  • Roy Suddaby, journal editorial board, Journal of Management Studies