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Matt Murphy

Gustavson researcher Matt Murphy

Associate Professor

Office: BEC 440 250-853-3868
BBA in International Business, University of Texas at Austin; Master of Research and PhD in Management Sciences, ESADE Business School, Spain
Area of expertise:
Cross-sector collaboration, stakeholder relationships, business and human rights, social and community-based entrepreneurship


Matthew Murphy, associate professor of sustainability and strategy, joined the Gustavson team at UVic in 2012 and teaches and carries out research in the areas of sustainability and social entrepreneurship.

His primary research focus is on stakeholder relationships related to both conflict and collaboration, and community-based sustainable development efforts in the context of First Nations. Through this research, Matt hopes to improve the human rights performance of business as well as to support Indigenous communities’ efforts to protect their rights and fulfill their own visions of sustainable development.

Recent and ongoing research projects include, among others: developing processes and tools. in collaboration with First Nations to evaluate and monitor the socio-cultural fit and impact of economic development projects; creating a documentary film about the efforts of 4 communities on 4 different continents that are working towards food sovereignty; analyzing the various pathways to and degrees of conflict and violence in relationships between extractive industry firms and local communities; studying opportunities and challenges for increasing the impact of fair trade efforts through processes of value addition.

His work has been published in Organization Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Management Development, as well as in several practitioner-oriented journals and books.

Matt is also a co-founder of the social enterprise  and, prior to entering academia, worked for 12 years in the financial services industry in roles related to international market development, strategic alliances and project management. He teaches both graduate and undergraduate students and speaks Spanish and English.


Courses taught

  • Business and Sustainability (MBA)
  • Selected Topics in Management: Social ENT (BCom)
  • Business and Sustainability (BCom)
  • Community Relation Programs – ESAN, Business & Human Rights/Indigenous Relations (Executive Programs)
  • Summer Graduate Business Studies, Social Entrepreneurship (Executive Programs)

Selected publications

Journal publications

Arenas, D., Murphy, M., & Jáuregui, K. (2019). Community Influence Capacity on Firms: Lessons from the Peruvian Highlands. Organization Studies. 

Murphy, M., Arenas, D., & Batista, J.-M. (2015). Value Creation in Cross-Sector Collaborations: The Roles of Experience and Alignment. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(1), 145–162. 

Murphy, M., & Vives, J. (2013). Perceptions of Justice and the Human Rights Protect, Respect, and Remedy Framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 116(4), 781–797.

Arenas, D., Sanchez, P., & Murphy, M. (2013). Different Paths to Collaboration between Businesses and Civil Society and the Role of third Parties. Journal of Business Ethics, 115(4), 723–739. 

Murphy, M., Perrot, F., & Rivera-Santos, M. (2012). New Perspectives on Learning and Innovation in Cross-sector Collaborations. Journal of Business Research, 65(12), 1700–1709. 

Arenas, D., Fosse, J., & Murphy, M. (2011). Acciona: A process of transformation towards sustainability. Journal of Managerial Development, 30(10), 1027–1048.

Murphy, M., & Arenas, D. (2010). Through Indigenous Lenses: Cross-Sector Collaborations with Fringe Stakeholders. Journal of Business Ethics, 94(1), 103–121. 


Kelly, D., & Murphy, B. M. (2018). Resilience, mnemonics and collective memory in Indigenous institutions. Latin America and European Organization Studies (LAEMOS) Conference. Buenos Aires, Argentina: LAEMOS.

Easter, S., & Murphy, M. (2017, August). Boundary Work in a Canadian Cross Sector Partnership. Academy of Management Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia.

Murphy, M. (2017, February). Beyond the Triple Bottom Line: Measurement & Evaluation of Community-Based Sustainable Development in Toquaht Nation. Sustainability Ethics Entrepreneurship Conference. Puerto Rico.

Murphy, M. (2017, March). Leading the Way Back to a Sustainable Economy: Entrepreneuring in the Toquaht Nation. Western Academy of Management. Palm Springs.


Ranson, H., & Murphy, M. (2019) Teaching Human Rights as Part of a Business and Sustainability Course: The Case for Going Deep. Book chapter in Humanistic Values from Academic Community Perspective, eds. Alfred Lewis & Natalia Stanusch, Information Age Publishing.

Murphy, M., & Vives, J. (2011). The Perception of Justice: Case of the Marlin Mine (Magazine Article). Plaza Publica (Guatemala).

Arenas, D., Sanchez, P., Murphy, M., & Vives, J. (2011). Relations with Local Communities and NGOs: Part II (Study or Commissioned Report). ESADE - Institute for Social Innovation.

Vives, J., & Murphy, M. (2011). Do the Indigenous perceive these investments as fair? (Practitioner Article). Revista Envio (Nicaragua).

Arenas, D., Sanchez, P., & Murphy, M. (2011). Relations with Local Communities and NGOs: Communication, Dialogue and Participation (Study or Commissioned Report). ESADE - Institute for Social Innovation.

Awards & grants

Recognition & awards

  • 2016 - Gustavson Leader in Excellence (In Service) Award , Gustavson School of Business

  • 2015 - Gustavson Leader in Excellence (In Research) Award , Gustavson School of Business

  • 2011 - Best Reviewer , Academy of Management, Social Issues in Management Division

  • 2011 - PhD Scoring Fellow, Aspen Institute's Centre for Business Education



  • The role of collective memory in First Nation’s legitimacy judgments of energy projects, Funded by GEPRG (April 17, 2018 - April 30, 2018), awarded April 17, 2018 ($2,500.00), Completed, Spring 2018, PI Matthew Murphy with CoInvestigator Juan Chavez Ramirez
  • Coastal First Nations Legacy Project, Funded by GEPRG (April 25, 2017 - March 30, 2018), awarded April 25, 2017 ($2,500.00), Completed, Spring 2018, PI Matthew Murphy with CoInvestigator Dara Kelly
  • Ideafest 2018, Funded by SSHRC (October 5, 2017 - March 30, 2018), awarded October 5, 2017 ($25,000.00), Completed, Spring 2018, PI Oliver Schmidtke with CoInvestigator Matthew Murphy
  • Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Funded by UVic Office of Research Services (April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017), awarded May 19, 2016 ($1,350.00), Completed, Summer 2016, PI Matthew Murphy
  • 4th International Symposium on Cross Sector Social Interactions, Funded by UVic Office of Research Services (April 1, 2014 - March 31, 2015), awarded June 5, 2014 ($1,150.00), Completed, Summer 2014, CoPI Daniel Arenas with CoPI Matt Murphy, CoPI Kety Jauregui
  • Dialogue, Networks and Strategies in Relationships between Communities and Mining Companies in Peru, Funded by GEPRG (April 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014), awarded April 1, 2013 ($2,500.00), Completed, Spring 2014, PI Matthew Murphy
  • Academy of Management Conference, Funded by UVic Office of Research Services (April 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014), awarded July 22, 2013 ($1,350.00), Completed, Summer 2013, PI Matt Murphy
  • Victoria's Green Economy, Funded by Mitacs (April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013), awarded April 1, 2012 ($15,000.00), Completed, Spring 2013, PI Matt Murphy with CoInvestigator Richard Tuck, CoInvestigator Erik Schindler
  • AGAUR FI, Funded by Catalan Agency for Administration of University and Research Grants (September 1, 2010) (€30,000.00), Completed, Fall 2010, PI Matt Murphy
  • 2009-2012 Fundación ESADE Grant, Funded by ESADE Institute for Social Innovation (September 1, 2009 - January 1, 2012) (€25,000.00), Completed, Fall 2009, PI Matt Murphy

In Progress

  • Four stories about food sovereignty: Transnational Crises and Local Action, Funded by SSHRC, awarded March 21, 2019 ($198,902.00), Funded - In Progress, Spring 2019, PI Elizabeth Vibert with Co-Investigator Matthew Murphy
  • Four stories about food sovereignty: A Workshop in T'Sou-ke Territory, Funded by SSHRC (October 11, 2018), awarded October 11, 2018 ($24,763.00), Funded - In Progress, Fall 2018, PI Elizabeth Vibert with CoInvestigator Matthew Murphy
  • The search for sustainable development in the Toquaht Nation, Funded by SSHRC (March 15, 2014 - March 15, 2018), awarded April 15, 2014 ($200,000.00), Funded - In Progress, Summer 2018, PI Matt Murphy with CoInvestigator J Mack, CoInvestigator J Sayers, CoInvestigator Brent Mainprize
  • Building and Maintaining the Social License to Operate: Organizational and Individual Implications in the Extractive Industry, Funded by UVic Internal Research/Creative Project Grant (April 12, 2017), awarded April 12, 2017 ($7,000.00), Funded - In Progress, Spring 2017, PI Matthew Murphy
  • Stl’e’áleq, "The big invitation": Illuminating Coast Salish community-based economy through 'gathering' traditions, Funded by 番茄社区 (September 1, 2016) ($45,000.00), Funded - In Progress, Spring 2016, PI Matthew Murphy with Other Dara Kelly