Current Gustavson students
Find information, links to course details and resources available to current Gustavson students.
Undergraduate students
Have a program-specific question? The answer is likely in Brightspace. Visit the to find the program manual, announcements, progression requirements, policies, graduation and degree evaluation, and more.
Accepted students who don't yet have access to Brightspace can find more information about the BCom program including the difference between pre-core and core years, program planning resources and key contacts on our BCom curriculum planning page.
Have questions? Contact an undergraduate programs advisor.
Graduate students
Visit your graduate program's Brightspace for announcements, progression requirements, policies, graduation and degree evaluation, and more.
- PhD:
- visit the for policies and overview
- visit the for regularly updated research activities such as visiting speakers, workshops, etc.
Have questions? Contact a graduate programs advisor.
Indigenous students
UVic offers support to Indigenous students throughout your university experience—from your first communication with the university through graduation and beyond.
UVic’s Office of Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement (IACE) connects Indigenous students with the educational, financial and cultural resources available on campus and in local communities. These include:
- First Peoples House
- housing on- and off-campus
- Indigenous co-op support
- Indigenous counselling
- LE,NONET Program
- scholarships, bursaries and awards
For more information, email the coordinator of Indigenous student support or call 250-853-3599.