
Awards & recognition

  • Canada Green Building Council - UVic Leed Gold - Centre for Athletics, Recreation & Special Abilities - 2017
  • Community/ Educational Excellence - Commercial Building Award - CARSA Building - 2015
  • Canada Green Building Council - UVic Leed Gold - South Tower Residence - 2013
  • Canada Green Building Council - UVic Leed Gold - First Peoples House - 2011
  • Canada Green Building Council - UVic Leed Gold - Administrative Services Building - 2011
  • Overall Award for Excellence / Commercial Building Awards-First Peoples House - 2010
  • One of the Best Western Red Cedar Architectural Designs in the World Award-First Peoples House - 2010
  • Canada Green Building Council – UVic Leed Gold - Social Science & Mathematics Building - 2010
  • Commercial Building Award-Social Science & Mathematics Building - 2008
  • Canada Green Building Council – UVic Leed Gold - Engineering Computer Science Building - 2008
  • BC Ready Mix Concrete Association - Sustainable Concrete Construction Award -Engineering Computer Science Building - 2007
  • Environmental Achievement Award for General Accomplishments in Sustainability-Pacific Northwest International Air & Waste Management Association - 2006
  • APEGBC Sustainability Award-Water Reuse Initiative - 2006
  • Environmental Achievement Award for General Accomplishments in Sustainability-Pacific Northwest International Air & Waste Management Association - 2006
  • Canada Green Building Council – UVic LEED Canada NC-1.0 Gold-Medical Sciences Building - 2006
  • Natural Resources Canada-Energy Retrofits – Innovative Projects Category - 2005/06
  • Development/Construction - 2005
  • Saanich Environmental Award -Environmental Achievement
  • Ecostar Award-Drinking Water Stewardship - 2005
  • APPA Effective & Innovative Practices Award-Water Reuse Initiative - 2005
  • Power Smart Excellence Award-Medical Sciences Building - 2005
  • Masonry Design Merit Award-Medical Sciences Building - 2005
  • Power Smart Excellence Award-Achievement in Outstanding Energy Conservation - 2004
  • Ecostar Award-Urban Watershed Protection - 2004
  • Power Smart Excellence Award – Engineering Laboratory Wing - 1995
  • Power Smart Challenge-Outstanding Achievement in Energy Efficiency & Environmental Conservation in the Greater Victoria Area - 1994