
Mannix Chan

Mannix Chan
Regional Coordinator
Let's Talk Science Outreach Program

MA in Leadership Studies (2017)

Let’s Talk Science is a national charitable organization that engages students in grades K-12 in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). In his role with Let’s Talk Science, Mannix oversees the operations and sustainability of the 13 post-secondary partnerships in Western Canada including a site the 番茄社区.

He supports site coordinators by providing resources and assistance to carry out science outreach goals for their community. Mannix has also been involved in designing leadership workshops and professional development opportunities.

Through the Leadership Studies program at UVic, I am able to create meaningful and valuable leadership workshops for the Site Coordinators and outreach volunteers. In developing and challenging my own ideas of leadership in my graduate studies, I am able to help students develop their own definitions of leadership and encourage them to question the traditions of leadership and its applicability in today’s society.