
Admission information

Application deadline: Dec. 1, 2023 for September 2024 entry

It is up to each applicant to review the admissions criteria below and determine their own eligibility. Once you have determined that you are eligible, you will collect the required documents and submit an online application

You do not need to contact a supervisor prior to applying. If you are selected for admission, then a supervisor will be assigned to you at that time. If you are applying to the MA program, you will list potential supervisors on your Statement of Purpose and include strong rationale for why you have selected those supervisors. 

Application fees are listed here

Your assessment reports and English proficiency scores are due 15 days after the application deadline (see below for details).

番茄社区 requirements

Bachelor's degree in (a) Psychology (b) Educational Psychology (c) Education

We require that you have completed an acceptable bachelor's degree in (a) Psychology (b) Educational Psychology (c) Education* from an academic institution recognized by the 番茄社区. All applicants normally must have earned the equivalent of a B+ average over the last two years (or equivalent of 30.0 UVic units) of their degree to be considered. Practicum, non-graded (pass-fail) courses, credit granted on the basis of life or work experience, or credit earned at institutions not recognized by the University will not be used in determining an applicant's grade point average or units completed.  

*Applicants without a Bachelor’s degree in (a) Psychology, (b) Educational Psychology, or (c) Education must satisfy the following pre-requisite course requirements to apply:

  • Two senior undergraduate courses covering content in educational psychology, learning, cognition and/or human development.
  • For the Special Education focus area: at least one of the courses must be in special education, developmental psychopathology or related course. Applicants with 2-years of related field experience providing services to people with special needs in school or community contexts can use their experience in lieu of the Special Education course prerequisite.

International students must meet the minimum degree type, degree length and GPA by country

Statement of Purpose form (Letter of intent)

All applicants must fill out the provided statement of purpose form provided here. This document is also sometimes called a "letter of intent." You do not need to write a separate letter, just complete the form. 

All applicants must fill out the first page and Part A: Program purpose. In addition, all MA applicants must fill out the 3rd page, Part B: Research purpose.


Previous relevant field experience is valued in all our programs, particularly in the MEd degree programs. Experience may be in more than one setting, paid or voluntary, and does not need to be continuous.

Please include:

  • Date of the resumé.
  • Past degrees, awards and distinctions.
  • All relevant field experience should be clearly documented. Each applicant has an opportunity to document in what way they believe their experience is relevant and successful. Whether the candidate has been working or not, all gaps in the history should be included and explained.

Two Assessment Reports

Due 15 days after the application deadline.

Assessment reports are required from at least one academic reference and the second maybe a professional reference or another academic reference who is familiar with your work. 

You will provide the names and email addresses of your chosen assessors as part of your online application. UVic will email the assessment report link directly to your referees after you submit your application. It is important that you contact your referees prior to listing them here, to confirm their willingness to provide you with an assessment.

You can log in your application and return to the assessment section check whether the assessment reports have been completed by your referees, make changes to your referee information, or re-send the link to your referee if necessary.

English Language Requirement

Due 15 days after the application deadline.

If your first language is not English, you must provide proof of English language proficiency, in the form of a TOEFL, IELTS or MELAB test result (some students may be exempt from this requirement; please see the link below). No other tests are accepted. We do not accept Duolingo. 

Official test score reports must be sent directly to the 番茄社区 by the testing agency. Scores older than two years are not acceptable. 

Minimum scores 

Given that the counselling profession requires an excellent command of the English language including emotion-based vocabulary and subtle understanding of nuance communications, minimum scores for general 番茄社区 graduate admissions are not sufficient for entrance to the counselling psychology program. Visit the following page for details on minimum required scores for this program: EPLS English proficiency requirements


This page also provides a list of exemptions such as for specific countries or students whose prior degree was instructed in English: EPLS English proficiency requirements

PLEASE NOTE: The EPLS department requires higher language proficiency scores than those required by Graduate 番茄社区 and Records. See the EPLS English language proficiency requirement for more information.

How to apply

Applicants are encouraged to begin the application process early. The online application system is available starting Sept. 1 each year.

Ensure the following are ready to upload with your online application:

  • Unofficial transcripts from each post-secondary institution you have attended
  • Statement of Purpose (Fillable PDF)
  • Resumé
  • Names and email addresses for the people filling out your assessment reports
  • Unofficial English language proficiency scores (you can upload these when you apply, or up to 15 days after the application deadline for your program)

Submit your online application by the deadline.

Criminal records check

Successful applicants must undergo a Criminal Record Check (Solicitor General CRC only) in compliance with the BC Criminal Records Review Act and submit it to the Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies for review before full acceptance is given. Await department instructions before proceeding.