
Machine shop

Mechanical engineering machine shop
Undergraduate students working in department machine shop.

Location and hours

Shop manager

The facility is managed by senior scientific assistant Mr. Rodney Katz, who is responsible for the basic infrastructure of the facility. His office is in B111.

He will consults with students and faculty on the design and manufacturing aspects of research and undergraduate projects. Consultations of over 30 minutes are billed at standard shop rate of $30/hr.

Work hours: 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00-5:30 p.m. Break: 3:30-3:45.

Shop use for students

Regular use of the B103 shop for students: 11:15 - 12:30am, and 1:00 - 3:30pm.

Extended hours are possible for experienced students with a SuperUser status. SuperUser forms.

A detailed description of all shop operations can be found in the current shop policy document.  

Machine Shop ""

Undergraduate labs safety manual "SAFETY FIRST."

3D printer access

Several Ultimaker 3D Printers are available for student use and are administered by the Machine Shop staff in ELW B103. Several downloads are available for prospective users.

1) Mech Eng Ultimaker 3D Printing Guide

2) Mech Eng 3D Printer Policy

3) 3D Printer Access Form

Laser Cut Documents

Sample cut plywood

Sample cut plexiglas

Makercase SVG to DXF Conversion

Feedback wanted

Please send us any comments you have on your working experience in the shop, as well as any suggestions for improvements in safety and efficiency.

Please address them to the lab manager. Thank you.

Prototype Design and Manufacturing Manual. An informative manual on shop techniques written by R. Katz for the Mech 350 class. A must read before starting up a new design.

Clients may request research projects to be done by either Rodney Katz or his staff. Each work request is done on a first come, first served basis. The shop charges are fixed at $30/hour plus the cost of materials. Estimates are free.

Procedure for work to be done is as follows:

  1. Have a CAD drawing ready. Consult with either machinist concerning your project.
  2. Check the posted queue sheets and select the machinist for the work.
  3. Fill out a work request form with a valid UVic account number.
  4. Obtain a quote on project cost and time from the machinist.
  5. Give the go ahead to start work. The machinist then enters the job on his queue sheet.
  6. You will be notified when the job is finished.
The selected machinist will be solely responsible for all the work on the project including estimates, parts costing, and project execution.

Up to now, the queue sheets have been manually entered by the machinist and were visible near their desks.

The most important factor in the entire facility is adherence to safety. Key and equally important components include:

  • Machine Shop ""
  • Familiarization with the general Mech safety document: “Safety First!.
  • Signing in the B103 log book upon entry to room.
  • Wearing safety glasses at all times.
  • Understanding that open-toe footwear, sandals, sleeveless tops, rings, jewelry, earphones, are a safety hazard and are not allowed.
  • Having long hair tied at the back of the head.
  • Having more than one person present in the facility when using equipment.
  • When in the sligtest of doubt about the equipment or the process, asking advice of supervisor.
  • Being ever watchful of one's actions and mindful of the dangers associated with each power machine.