
MECH Design Projects Portal

For MECH 400/MECH350/MECH499/MECH 598 MEng Students

Mechanical Engineering students peform a major design activity in a number of courses: MECH350, MECH400, MECH499 and MECH 598 MEng students. In many cases, Industry-based project topics are done in partnership with stakeholders from Industry.   Students complete the design of a product or a system which includes specification of function, analysis, selection of materials, strength calculations, preparation of working drawings, cost analysis, testing, and preparation of final design report.  In some projects, it also includes a working prototype, and a symposium presentation of the final design.

Purpose of the MECH350 Design and MECH400 Capstone Design Projects:

 (i) Apply and implement the engineering design process.  Use lessons/techniques/skills acquired in earlier coursework during the undergraduate program.

(ii) Hands-on, practical learning by working with a student team to conduct the design project and build a working prototype.  Work under the supervision of a faculty member and additional supervision/input from industrial partners (as applicable). 

(iii) A significant technical design project intended to solve a real-world industrial problems, in order to satisfy real needs.

(iv) Developing professional-level communication skills by preparing engineering reports, and delivering a formal oral presentation to demonstrate the design.

Purpose of MECH499 Technical Project:  

Similar to points (i)-(iv) above, except it is usually an individual project.  

Students are encouraged to select a project originating from clients in the local industry, private sponsors, or from a Faculty member engaged in mechanical or biomedical engineering research.



Industry partners project submission form:

To submit your project purposal for consideration please fill out the following form:


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