

Program and options

Master’s and PhD candidates are normally expected to complete their degree within 24 and 36 months respectively.

You should normally register in three courses (4.5 units) per term until you’ve completed required coursework (subject to availability of appropriate courses). Course selection must be approved by your supervisor or supervisory committee.

Academic Performance

Students must achieve a grade point average of at least 5.0 (B) for every session in which they are registered. Students with a sessional or cumulative average below 5.0 will not be allowed to register in the next session until their academic performance has been reviewed by their supervisory committee and continuation is approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Grades for courses designated FNC (for no credit) or used for Transfer Credit will not be used in the calculation of sessional or cumulative grade point averages.

Every grade of 4.0 (B-) or lower in a course taken for credit must be reviewed by the supervisory committee of the student and the academic unit graduate adviser and a recommendation made to the Dean of Graduate Studies. Such students will not be allowed to register in the next session until approved to do so by the Dean.

Conditions may be imposed by the Faculty (upon the advice of the supervisory committee) for continuation in the program; if not met within the specified time limit, the student will be withdrawn.

A student whose dissertation, thesis or project is not progressing satisfactorily, or who otherwise fails to meet academic standards, will be withdrawn from the program. Normally, such students will not be eligible for re-admission to the program.”

Master of Engineering (MEng)

The MEng program is designed to provide you with an opportunity to strengthen and extend the knowledge you gained at the undergraduate level. You’ll complete of a number of graduate-level courses and an engineering project.

Your program

The MEng program requires successful completion of at least 16.0 units. You are required to have 12.0 units of graduate level courses, a 1.0 unit seminar (), and 3 units for work project ().

You can include up to two Directed Studies (MECH 590) courses in your program but only one of them can be directly related to your proposed thesis/project research. Under exceptional circumstances, your supervisory committee may approve up to two senior undergraduate (400-level) courses as part of your MEng program.

The departmental seminars given by faculty, research associates, graduate students and visiting scholars are considered an integral part of graduate education. Graduate students are expected to attend these seminars.

Your project

Your project must be performed under the direction of an academic supervisor. A copy of the project report you write will be submitted to each of your examination committee members. After you’ve completed the course requirements and project report, you will take part in an oral examination based on the project work.

You must submit a PDF of your project report to mechgrad@uvic.ca and a printed copy to the Graduate Secretary in EOW 548.

PhD programs

The MEng program is intended to prepare candidates for advanced professional activity rather than for further graduate studies. However, MEng candidates are not debarred from entering the PhD program.

If you wish to engage in a PhD program at a later date, you should complete a six-unit project designed to demonstrate your ability to carry out independent research.

Master of Applied Science (MASc)

The work leading to the MASc degree provides you with an opportunity to pursue advanced studies and carry out research or undertake creative design in a field of mechanical engineering. You’ll work under the supervision of a member of the department's graduate faculty.

The primary component of the program is the thesis, which reports the results of your independent research investigation or creative design.

Your program

In consultation with your supervisors, you’ll set up your program by selecting courses and a thesis topic. You’ll need to successfully complete at least nine units of courses. Successful defense of your thesis will be another nine units.

If you want to take courses offered outside the department, they must be approved by the MECH graduate office. One Directed Studies (MECH 590) course can be included in your program, not directly related to your proposed thesis topic. In exceptional circumstances your program may include one undergraduate course, for credit, in lieu of a graduate course.

Your thesis

The thesis is the major component of the MASc program. It is carried out, on a full-time basis, under the direction of your supervisor.

Your thesis may involve an investigation that is fundamental in nature or may be applied, incorporating creative design. Through the thesis, you are expected to give evidence of competence in research and a sound understanding of the area of specialization.

After you’ve completed the course requirements and thesis, you will have an oral examination. A bound copy of your thesis must be submitted to the office of MECH Graduate Studies before the degree recommendation is sent to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The objective of the PhD program is the accomplishment of independent and original research work leading to significant advancement of knowledge in the field of mechanical engineering.

Your program

The PhD program requires successful completion of at least six units of courses (a minimum of three units of course work in mechanical engineering and a maximum of one directed studies course) beyond the master's program, and successful defense of a thesis of 27 units.

The departmental seminars given by faculty, research associates, graduate students and visiting scholars are considered an integral part of graduate education. Graduate students are expected to attend these seminars.

In consultation with your supervisors, you’ll set up your program by selecting your courses and thesis project. The program must be approved by the MECH Graduate office.

Students who have successfully completed a number of graduate courses above and beyond the course requirements for their master's program can request to have such courses included for credit in their PhD program.

Your thesis

The thesis is the primary component of the PhD degree requirement. The research must lead to an original contribution to knowledge in the field. It must be reported fully in your thesis and eventually in the archival literature.

You’ll carry out your research under the direction of your supervisor, in co-operation with a supervisory committee, on the campus of the 番茄社区.

Your supervisory committee will be set up according to the pertinent regulations in the University Calendar. Your supervisor is normally the chair of the supervisory committee, unless otherwise recommended by the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Studies Committee.

The establishment of the supervisory committee is to provide you with a broadened base of expertise for ready and formal consultation. PhD candidates are required to take an oral candidacy examination within 18 months of registration in the program.

Transferring from a master’s program

Although a PhD candidate will normally hold a master's degree from the 番茄社区 or another recognized university, it is possible for master's candidates to transfer their registration directly to a PhD program without completing the master's program. This is an exceptional procedure, made only when the MENG Graduate Studies Committee is convinced that the candidate's research progress is such that direct continuation into the PhD program, without the interruption of writing the master's thesis, is warranted. Once such a transfer of candidacy is made it cannot be reversed.

A student transferring from a master's program to the doctoral program is required to complete a program of at least 45 units. This program includes a minimum of 18 units of approved courses and a thesis equivalent to 27 units. If you’re transferring from a master's program, credit will normally be given for any courses already completed.

Candidates not holding a master's degree and transferring into the PhD program are required to take the oral candidacy examination within 24 months of registration in the MASc program.

Your oral examination

Upon completion of the course requirements and the PhD candidacy examination, you will defend your thesis before the examination committee.

One bound copy of the thesis must be submitted to the office of MECH Graduate Studies before the degree recommendation is sent to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Under the co-operative education program of the Faculty of Graduate Studies an MEng or MASc student normally spends the first year of the program on course work.

The second year is spent working at a paid research-related position in either industry or a government laboratory. During the third and subsequent years, you’ll alternate between the university and place of work to complete your research and write and defend your thesis.

Under exceptional circumstances, when it is evident that the industrial work periods form an essential and integral part of the student's thesis project, a PhD student may participate in the co-operative graduate program.

In order to participate in the co-operative program you must be accepted by a suitable sponsoring organization. Your co-operative option program must be approved by your supervisor and the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Studies Committee.

Existing graduate programs can accommodate students with industrial backgrounds taking the program on part-time basis. Graduate programs of such nature are highly encouraged.

Please contact our  for details.

Seminar Attendance Policy

MECH 594/595/695 is a prerequisite for successfully completing MEng,MASc and PhD programs.

A passing grade is based on attendance and participation:

  • MEng students: Attend at least 6 per term for the first 6 terms = 36.
  • MASc students: Attend at least 6 per term for the first 6 terms = 36 AND present one seminar.
  • PhD students: Attend at least 6 per term for the first 9 terms = 54 AND present two seminars, typically within 16 months and 34 months of registration.”

If attendance drops below six for a term:

  • Attendance in subsequent terms will be required to make up the seminar obligation.
  • Student must write and sign, and have their supervisor initial, a paper memo to Grad Adviser. An email to Grad Adviser with cc to supervisor is not acceptable.
  • Supervisors can write Grad Adviser a memo on behalf of a student having difficulty attending seminars. Note that research off-campus within a reasonable distance i.e. Sidney/Saanich/Nanaimo does not necessarily preclude seminar attendance.

This policy is effective 1May13 and applies to MEng students whose entry point was September 2014 or later, MASc students whose entry point was May 2011 or later, and PhD students whose entry point was May 2010 or later.
This policy is available on the department website and distributed to every new grad student.