
Teaching assistant positions

TA positions have been divided into ‘TA-Instructor’ and ‘TA-Marker’ positions. 

TA-Marker positions will be solely focused on working within the course instructional team to grade student work.  This can include (as examples):

  1. Generating a grading rubric based on input from the course primary instructor.
  2. Interpreting a rubric to grade student submissions and to provide concise written feedback.
  3. Managing grade entry and record keeping in collaboration with the other members of the course’s instructional team

TA-Instructor positions encompass those of a TA-Marker plus activities that facilitate student learning in the course, including (as examples):

  1. Assistance generating teaching materials
  2. Planning and delivery of tutorial or laboratory sessions
  3. Facilitating student group activities
  4. Fielding student questions outside of scheduled course meeting times

Both TA-Marker and TA-Instructor positions require good working knowledge of the course content. The difference between the positions is that TA-Instructors must expect to engage with students in the course in a face-to-face manner and facilitate student learning through active instruction.  Applicants for TA-Instructor positions must be capable of leading classroom sessions, working face-to-face with students and fielding student questions and sourcing solutions to the problems students present.  To qualify for a TA-Instructor position you must:

  1. have completed all 4 workshops offered by the Department’s Teaching Assistant Coordinator (TAC) – these workshops run in Sep and Jan, OR
  2. have completed the first two TAC workshops AND have your application endorsed by the course’s lead instructor – this endorsement will be solicited by the Grad Program Director in the event that TAC workshops 3 and 4 have not been completed.  This may result in a request that you meet with the instructor to discuss the position duties and your relevant experience.

Graduate students in Mechanical Engineering can apply for multiple positions but will normally only be provided a single TA-Instructor position (e.g. a person can hold multiple TA-Marker positions along with a single TA-Instructor position).  Multiple TA positions are not assured.

Both types of positions are available in the courses in the Fall 2024 TA Posting link below.  When referring to the criteria listed for each position, please note that TA-marker positions associated with a course have a reduced list of responsibilities (not all of the criteria apply to TA-Marker positions).

Positions for Mechanical Engineering: Fall 2024 TA Posting

Students must be on campus to fulfill TA responsibilities.  TAs are expected to be available from the beginning of the semester (Sept 4, 2024) and to assist with marking the final examination (exam period is Dec 7 - 20, 2024).

Required qualifications and experience

Applicants should possess an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering or acceptable equivalent.  Special skills or other requirements (if any) will be listed on the job posting. 

In most cases, the applicant must be competent in the course material. The applicant should have the special skills or requirements listed in the TA Posting. It is the department policy to hire TAs repeatedly for the same courses, as this fosters deeper knowledge of course material to help instruct/mark undergraduate students.

Please apply to the TA appointment based on your ability/experience in the subject matter.  Expect to be repeatedly hired for the same courses in the future.

Mandatory Workshops

Applicants must complete the following mandatory workshops at least once. They can be completed prior to application, or during the term the applicant is employed.  You will be paid once on timesheets at TA rate for attending the workshops.

Offered by MECH Teaching Assistant Consultant

  1. TA Roles, Rights and Responsibilities
  2. Developing Good Marking Practices
  3. Canadian Classroom Culture and TA Resources
  4. Lesson Planning and Teaching

Summary of duties and responsibilities

Under the supervision of the course instructor, TAs may be asked to perform any combination of:

  • prepare assignment, quizzes, exams and labs
  • marking assignments, quizzes and lab reports
  • recording grades
  • conducting or assisting labs 
  • conducting or assisting tutorials
  • consulting with students

Being a TA

 A  from Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation 2022-2023


Hourly rate for teaching assistants: $31.80.

See CUPE 4163 (comp. 1 & 2)(comp 3) collective agreement 番茄社区, Human Resources.

How to apply


To ensure full consideration, your completed application should be received by: Monday, Aug 5, 2024.  Please ensure to use/provide your UVic email address only.

  1. Review the available positions posted at the top of this page.
  2. Complete the  for TA-Marker position
  3. Complete the for TA-Instructor position
  4. List on your application form any TA appointments held at the 番茄社区.
  5. Non-Canadian applicants must include a copy of their study permit or permanent resident card with their application form. If your study permit expires before the end of the appointment period, you must provide proof that you are in the process of renewing it (i.e. copy of your receipt from Canada immigration).
  6. Applicants may present supporting documents with their application (e.g. curriculum vitae). Such document(s) will not be accepted as a substitute for the standard application form noted above.
  7. If you are not a Mechanical student at 番茄社区 you may want to notify your home department that you are submitting your application for consideration with Mechanical Engineering.
  8. Offers of employment will be sent to the email address that you provide on the application form sometime during the selection timeframe which begins one week before the start of the term and ends one week before the first scheduled lab session.

The 番茄社区 is an equity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, and Indigenous persons. The number of available positions and hours are subject to funding availability, enrollment and/or course cancellation.