
Student resources

Supervisory relationship

Graduate programs in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering focus on research- and investigation-oriented education and training. Therefore, the relationship between the graduate student and the supervisor is of fundamental importance. See the ECE Graduate student Supervisory Relationship and the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Supervision Policy for further information.

Course registration

Please speak to your supervisor before registration to discuss which courses you should take and those that are available for the current term. Web registration is the general method for registering in courses; courses that cannot be registered online are:

  • Directed studies (pro forma)
  • Undergraduate courses
  • Courses offered by other departments (computer science, mechanical engineering, etc.)

The exceptions listed above require you to manually register. You will need to complete either a graduate registration form or a pro forma form. Once the form is completed it should be submitted to the graduate secretary, who will advise you of any next steps and forward to GARO for processing.

Graduate courses

Visit current graduate courses to view ECE graduate courses that are tentatively offered. Subject to the approval of the student's supervisory committee and the appropriate Faculty regulations, a certain amount of the course work for each program may consist of 400-level undergraduate courses taken from within ECE and/or graduate courses offered by other departments.

Graduate seminar

All Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD, MASc & MEng graduate students are required to participate in the graduate seminar course every year of their program. The objective of seminar courses is to expose graduate students to different areas of research and to provide a forum for presenting their research findings. These courses involve attending and presenting a certain number of seminars. Refer to the ECE 509 syllabus for master’s (MASc, MEng) students and ECE 609 syllabus for PhD students for further information about the seminar courses.

After attending a seminar/webinar: The seminar/webinar must be recorded in the for approval by the Graduate Advisor no later than 48 hours after attending the seminar. After the Graduate Advisor has approved the attended seminar in the Online Seminar Logbook, the seminar entry will automatically be added to the students record.

After presenting a seminar/webinar: Virtual presentations must be presented via Zoom (with UVic encryption). The student must record the seminar presentation and provide the link in the to the Graduate Advisor for approval no later than 48 hours after presenting the seminar. After the Graduate Advisor has approved the presented seminar in the Online Seminar Logbook, the seminar entry will automatically be added to the students record.

Seminar Logbook: .

Annual progress report

Current graduate students are expected to present their supervisor with an annual report outlining the progress achieved during the past year and the work proposed for the coming year. The deadline for submitting the report to the supervisor is August 1. This report may be circulated to the supervisory committee.

Download the Annual Progress Report form.

PhD candidacy exam

All PhD candidates must complete a candidacy examination. Please take a few moments to look over the following syllabus of ECE 693 Candidacy Examination course. These are presented as guides only. Students should consult with their supervisor for complete details.

Degree completion steps

If you are planning on defending this term you must contact the graduate secretary for your program to go over important information and to ensure all deadlines will be met on time. Please note all paperwork for the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Graduate ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø and Records must go through the graduate secretary of your program first.

MEng Request for Non-Thesis Oral Examination Form must be submitted to the MEng Graduate Secretary a minimum of 10 business days before the defence (excluding weekends, statutory holidays and the day of the defence).

MASc Request for Oral Examination Form, Withholding Form (if applicable), and a PDF copy of your thesis must be submitted to MASc Graduate Secretary a minimum of 22 business days before the defence (excluding weekends, statutory holidays and the day of the defence). The Graduate Secretary will process and submit the documents to the Faculty of Graduate Studies a minimum of 20 business days before the defence (excluding weekends, statutory holidays and the day of the defence).

PhD Request for Oral Examination Form, external examiners CV, Arm's-Length Status Form, Withholding Form (if applicable), and a PDF copy of your dissertation must be submitted to the PhD Graduate Secretary a minimum of 32 business days before the defence (excluding weekends, statutory holidays and the day of the defence). The Graduate Secretary will process and submit the documents to the Faculty of Graduate Studies a minimum of 30 business days before the defence (excluding weekends, statutory holidays and the day of the defence).



Letter request

Letter requests should be submitted for approval to the ECE Reception (EOW 448 or ecesec@uvic.ca) with ALL sections of the form complete.


Graduate Handbooks

MEng, MASc & PhD Graduate Student Handbook

MTIS & MADS Graduate Student Handbooks

Graduate Student Representative

The Graduate Student Representative is a current graduate student elected to represent the interests of the electrical and computer engineering graduate student population to the department.

Finding Graduate Help

ECE Graduate Student Representative
Alexandros Dimopoulos, PhD Student