
Graduate resources

  • Annual Progress Report - form

    Submit your annual progress report to your supervisor every 12-months. This is a review of accomplishments and milestones achieved and is a constructive tool to move forward successfully.

The Department of Computer Science believes that any candidate for a PhD degree, before graduating, must show a firm grasp of the overall field of Computer Science. The PhD breadth requirement ensure that this goal is fulfilled, normally by taking advanced CSC courses in a broad range of categories and areas.

Graduate Directed Study (CSC 591) Guidelines 

Information for Students & Instructors

The date of the presentation will be the last day of classes in each term.  Once the place and time are fixed, you are required to be physically available to give the presentation.  The course instructors should organize amongst themselves to designate one or more of their own to moderate and evaluate the presentation.  The graduate advisor could be the designated instructor in cases where no instructor can be found to chair the presentation.  

 Please add a presentation component to the assessment section on the Pro Forma proposal form.

  • This presentation component should be for at least 10%.  This 10% is for the quality of the student presentation, including how the student interacts with the audience.
  • The audience will be engaged in providing constructive feedback to the speakers.
  • The audience will consist of the instructor, other CSC 591 students, the instructor or designate.  The instructor or designate is responsible for assigning the mark for the presentation component.
  • Under extenuating circumstances, special arrangements could be made, where the presentation is video recorded and handed in to the instructor before the scheduled date.
  • Other faculty and grad students will also be welcome to attend.

Please add a rationale section to the ProForma form explaining:

  1. why the directed studies is needed, and
  2. the relationship of the course to the student's existing thesis work. A few sentences should suffice.


  • The proposed directed study should not have significant overlap with the thesis research, as thesis research receives separate academic credit.
  • The graduate advisor will sign the ProForma after the instructor and thesis supervisor have completed the form.  
  • Note to CSC 591 instructors:  while the instructors of CSC 591 do not receive teaching credit towards course relief, CSC 591 supervision remains a positive contribution to teaching.


You will find more graduate forms on the Graduate Studies forms website such as:

  • Graduate Registration - late registration, undergraduate courses, courses outside your home department, audit or for no credit, or section change after the registration deadline
  • Program Update - adjust the requirements of a regular graduate program, to request transfer credit, or to indicate that a program requirement has been met (ex., candidacy examination)
  • Enrolment Verification letter
  • Request for Oral Examination (ROE) - Master's
  • Request for Oral Examination (ROE) - PhD
  • Thesis/dissertation Approval
  • Request for Program Extension
  • Request for Candidacy Extension
  • Pro Forma proposal (directed study)
  • Course Retention Request for Returning or Transferring Students - graduate students who have withdrawn from a UVic program and would now like to return to the same program, or who are requesting to transfer from one UVic program to another
  • External Examiner's Confirmation of Arm's-Length Status    
  • Travel Grant application
  • Western Dean's Agreement