
Connect with us


We develop learners who excel in the rapidly changing technology marketplace with the interdisiplinary skills needed to solve issues and harness opportunities.

Our excellence in research and education is largely due to the outstanding support we receive.

There are many ways for individuals, alumni, small businesses, foundations, service organizations, and government to get involved with our department and help us develop the technological leaders of the future.

Supporting our department

Gifts from alumni, friends, businesses, foundations, and community organizations play a vital role in helping us deliver an outstanding education that is international, integrated, innovative, and  experiential. Thanks to your support, we can continue to transform our students into the leaders of tomorrow.

Keep in touch with us. 

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Our students are the leaders of tomorrow

We value your support and welcome you to with the Department of Computer Science.  

  • Recruit a computer science student as a new grad or become a co-op employer.
  • Become a mentor to inspire, guide, and contribute to the development of future information technologists.
  • Share your expertise and engage in lively discussions with our students and faculty as a guest speaker.


Our goal is to enhance public awareness and foster interest about computer science.

With our community engagement programs, we can help educate all ages about computer science. 

Here are some examples of how we love to share our knowledge with you:

  • , an innovative learning community & skills incubator for high-school aged youth
  • Invite us to be a guest speaker at your school

Maintaining local relationships is a great way for our department to give back to the community and provides our students with valuable volunteer experience.  

For more information on our outreach programs, please contact either:


We are proud to feature partnerships with local industries.

This term's feature partners are:  


 is a boutique consultancy that is bootstrapping .  Co-founded by Peter Armstrong, a 1999 graduate of UVic with a double major in computer science & psychology!  Peter coined the term "lean publishing" to describe the act of self-publishing an in-progress ebook. Leanpub was created based on the principles of Peter's  Lean Publishing Manifesto.  

Ruboss and Peter are great supporters of the computer science program:  "UVic is one of our secret weapons: we love recruiting directly out of its computer science program, to get amazingly talented developers...." 

Codename Entertainment

is a local company originally founded in 2008 by David Whitaker and Justin Stocks.   David completed his MSc in computer science at UVic in 2009.  Justin completed his BSc in computer science at UVic in 2009.  Together with Eric Jordan, CEO, and 1993 graduate of UVic with a BFA in visual studies with Honours, Codename is a top employer in the co-op program at UVic as well as recruits and hires students out of the computer science and software engineering programs.

In 2015, Codename Entertainment launched the award-winning and top rated idle/clicker game . 

Together with other local companies, Codename Entertainment has given back to UVic with investing in the Tectoria Video Game Industry Award for Developers 

We'd love to feature you here!  Contact us at cscao@uvic.ca