
Publication standards

Your publication represents the university and contributes to its public image. These standards and guidelines are intended to help UVic print publications achieve a degree of consistency and professionalism and reflect well on the university.

Pre-publication review

University Communications and Marketing (UCAM) will gladly consult with you at an early stage in the planning of your publication, or at any later stage, to review questions related to publications standards.

To ensure that your publication complies with university standards, you may submit a pre-publication proof (pdf or colour hardcopy) to UCAM for review. We will make reasonable efforts to complete this review and contact the submitting unit within two business days of receiving the proof. This standards review is not a substitute for thorough editing and proofreading.

Contact the  to learn more. 

Consistency and brand guidelines

All university publications must comply with the university's visual identity, which includes proper use of UVic logos,  and conforming to UVic style.