

Who needs to know?

"Everyone" is a popular response, but not very helpful. If you aren't sure who the news is for, other people won't know if matters for them either!

Once you know your audience, you can tailor your messaging and choose the most appropriate networks and channels.

Consider the full range of audiences who may need to hear your news.

Your unit colleagues

Big news for you is likely also big news for your department. Keep your department colleagues informed. Meeting their information needs and effectively engaging them in work and social activities is key to successful management. They might also help answer questions and share the news beyond your department.

Leaders, decision-makers

Don’t surprise your manager’s boss with news that affects them. Make sure key decision-makers are consulted before your news is shared elsewhere.

Committees and cross-unit teams

Consider university committees and inter-unit teams who may have a stake in your news. Their advice on the topic and support in amplifying your news is valuable.

Other UVic departments

Inform all units that are directly engaged in or impacted by your unit’s policies and activities. Target specific units that are directly involved with your work before you share news with the larger UVic community.

Larger UVic community

Consider the broader community of colleagues and students across the university who are interested in your unit’s activities and accomplishments. Enhancing their understanding of your activities raises your profile and strengthens your position as a valued member of the campus community.

Equity and diversity

Consider diversity: get to know some of the people in your workplace better, taking an interest in what you have in common and the differences between you.

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