
Ideas and examples

There are great examples of internal communications everywhere you look at UVic. Here are just a few of them.

MarComm Connect: University Communications and Marketing

MarCom Connect is a weekly, 45-minute virtual meeting that brings together marketing and communications professionals from all areas of UVic. We share learnings, coordinate projects and strengthen connections in support of university and unit marcom objectives.

to learn more.

Weekly What’s Up e-newsletter: Faculty of Social Sciences

Using a simple Word template, the communications officer for Social Sciences compiles faculty news and events in bullet form and distributes the e-newsletter to internal faculty and staff every Monday morning. The weekly bulletin allows seven units to share and stay on top of news and events without being overwhelmed by too much content. What’s Up has met with positive feedback and has increased awareness and engagement across units.

Contact the to learn more.

Listserv: Social Media

The social media listserv is for people who manage social media accounts representing a department or unit at UVic. This active listserv is an open list that any subscriber can post messages to. UVic’s social media coordinator sends regular emails with links to relevant articles, trends and training opportunities, as well as a roundup of UVic’s most popular and/or effective posts for the week. In addition, subscribers share content and ask for support via the listserv. It’s an excellent example of inter-unit sharing of best practices and resources.

Learn more about social media at UVic or contact the for more information.

Meet the team: VP Finance & Operations

Designed to integrate and build connections across the units of the Vice-President Finance and Operations (VPFO), these fun, interactive "meet-the-team" events are opportunities for staff to find out surprising new things about what their colleagues do day-in-and-day-out, and learn about other units. They meet the faces behind the names and deepen their understanding of how VPFO works to serve the university. Events often include info booths, games, and fun. Meet the Team events enhance cross-portfolio focus, engagement, inclusivity and transparency, encourage learning and are super social opportunities!

Learn more about the VPFO's Service Excellence initiative. 


Coffee with a colleague: Division of Student Affairs

Coffee with a colleague is a chance to meet up with a colleague from a different area and gain perspectives on work happening across the division. Participants sign up for a session and are randomly matched with a colleague from another department. Matched participants can meet up for coffee (or tea), a walk around the ring, or plan another activity that works for both people. They receive an email introduction and the rest is up to them. Connections outside of people’s own teams and work units aren't always easy to build but can help everyone to do their work and achieve the division’s shared goals and vision.

Learn more about Coffee with a colleague