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Distill my beating heart

April 20, 2023

Two men with a dog standing in a distillery

Mechanical Engineering grads Darcy Lane, BEng ’06, and Brandon Fry, BEng ’10, are helping fuel the craft distilling revival with their custom-made stills

My business: Revival Stillworks

Where it’s located: Sidney, BC

What we do: Revival Stillworks designs and fabricates custom distillation systems for craft distilleries around the world. From pot stills to continuous columns, our engineering team loves taking our customers’ unique challenges and designing stills tailored to their needs. From there our team of skilled fabricators and coppersmiths combine copper with stainless steel to turn the engineering designs into beautiful, high performance works of art. We love helping to fuel the revival of craft distilling as this industry continues to show impressive growth in virtually all communities across North America.

Our team is: Made up of almost 70 per cent UVic mechanical-engineering grads.

Why we’re unique: Craft distillers are an expressive, unique breed, and we take pride in creating custom stills that are as unique and expressive as each craft distiller. Every time we design a distillation system our goals are three-fold:

• Create a beautiful still that represents the distiller.

• Create an efficient still that requires fewer resources and costs less to operate.

• Create a still that maximizes production of the distillers preferred spirit (s).

Our ideal customer is: Any craft distiller with a passion and love for the industry.

Our business mantra: Fuel the revival of craft distilling.

I wasn’t expecting... The demand for Revival stills across North America. It’s been amazing.

Right now our biggest challenge is: Keeping up with demand.

We’ll know we’re successful when: We can peer into liquor cabinets across North America and find bottles of spirit that have been distilled on a Revival still.

Bottom line: Never be afraid to separate yourself from the herd and blaze your own path forward. 

Where to find us:

This article appears in the UVic Torch alumni magazine.

For more Torch stories, go to the UVic Torch alumni magazine page.