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UVic website resources

Your online presence is a key part of your communications strategy. We can help you make it the most effective tool for the audiences you need to reach.

Get assistance, guidance and resource coordination at every step of your web project.

UVic website redesign

UVic launched a new central website in the summer of 2020. It’s clean, simple, searchable, mobile-friendly and task-driven. It also rates as one of the top websites in Canada for accessibility, usability and search-engine optimization.

We are now in the process of working with faculties, departments and units across campus to move from existing Template 3 sites to our new Template 4 style.

Template 3
Screenshot of a UVic website in Template 3

Sites built before the summer of 2020 will be in template 3. We are working with individual units to help them prepare their web content to migrate to template 4.

Template 4
Screenshot of a UVic website in Template 4
In summer 2020 UVic launched five new central websites in Template 4. We are working with units across campus to move their web content into new template.
A z-fold business card showcasing the UVic Edge wordmark

UVic branding guidelines

The UVic look and feel helps tell our story and create recognition for UVic. The UVic story, and how we tell it, is an important part of connecting with our audiences.

Need help?

  • Crowdsource answers from other Cascade users on campus.

  • The virtual drop-ins take place on Thursday mornings, 9:30-10:30 a.m., and are first-come, first-served. They are run by Cascade admins from both University Systems and University Communications and Marketing (UCAM).

You can also email us for assistance.