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Meet Laura Lee

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Spiritual care provider



I have always been attracted to the spiritual aspect of life.  I was raised in the Baptist Church and the teachings of Christ touched my heart deeply and awakened me to the universal truths that exist in the books and teachings of all the Divine Educators who have guided humanity through its infancy and childhood.  It seems the human race has gone through the stages of growth that we experience as individuals. Now, as we stand at the midst of our collective ‘coming of age’, we recognize in the body politic of mankind the turbulence of adolescents.  We need to take the next step in our journey to maturity and acknowledge, with deep respect, our essential oneness – that we are all children of the same Creator endowed with the ability to long for and love the Source our being.  The Light of God has been placed in each heart.  This is our essential reality and the means of our oneness.  The avatar that carries our soul is like the clothes we wear; an outer garment that will someday be put away.  What is left is our true reality in an endless journey toward the Love and Light that created us. 

In the past century, mankind has achieved tremendous advancements in the realms of science and discoveries.  These advancements are responsible for the innovations that have shrunk our Earth into a neighbourhood.  Yet we remain divided by rusted ideologies whose roots lie in prejudice of one kind or another.

Despite being tortured, banished from His homeland, and imprisoned, Baha’u’llah, the Prophet-Founder of the Baha’i Faith, provided the vision, the foundational principals, the guidance, and inspiration that has raised up a world-wide community dedicated to building a culture of peace. 

The youth of today will shoulder the responsibility of taking the practical steps necessary to move our world toward the next stage of our collective evolution – the establishment of a creative, cooperative, and peaceful global community.  

I believe everyone, especially those who have the privilege of education, can contribute to the raising consciousness that “The Earth is but one country and mankind its citizens”.  Baha’u’llah

I look forward to serving the students and faith community at UVic alongside my fellow Spiritual Care Providers.  

Office hours by appointment.