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Meet Christopher Bowers

Headshot of Christopher Bowers

Christian Science Spiritual care provider




I'm the executive director of a registered charity,  CSInterviews Society. I retired after teaching in public school systems in over 17 schools in four cities in BC. I’m a lifelong Christian Scientist. I’m married with three adult children and live near the university.

The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is the foundation for the theology and practice of Christian Science. Christian Scientists see the Scriptures as their “sufficient guide to eternal Life.” We look to the New Testament accounts of Christ Jesus’ life, ministry of salvation, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, as illustrating the deepest truths of God’s nature, goodness, and love.

As we see it, Jesus showed that everyone is the loved child of God. And that healing and regeneration come as we acknowledge God’s presence and love, and recognize our true nature as spiritual, as made in His image. Examples of God’s willingness and power to help and heal can be seen in accounts throughout the Bible, including those of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and the prophets, as well as of Jesus and his disciples and followers.

Christian Science teaches that God is unchanging Love, (I John 4:8), and that He is the ultimate power of good in our lives and the world. The word “Science” in “Christian Science isn’t a reference to the physical sciences, but to the divine or spiritual laws of God that enabled Jesus to heal, and which can be understood and practiced systematically in daily Christian life. Christian Scientists take seriously Jesus’ commands to love God, love and respect others, and treat others as we wish to be treated.

I value the opportunity to help further the efforts of the Multifaith team through my Heart-to-Heart Talks sessions, engagement hours with students at the Student Wellness Centre, Campus Conversations programs, and attending many of the various campus orientation and events across campus. Office hours are by appointment.

1205 Pandora Avenue Victoria BC V8V 3R3

Join all church service's meetings by Zoom with ID#  4140900667 and  Password: healing
- Sunday 10:30 a.m.
- Wednesday 7:30 p.m.