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Meet Angela Wood

Angela Wood and her dog

Baptist Spiritual care provider




It’s great to be here on campus as part of an interfaith team to provide you with pastoral care and to share this part of your life journey.

My own journey thus far has been eclectic. Academically, my studies have led me to various vocations, first graduating in Forestry and working as a forest research ecologist, followed by raising and teaching four children at home, then as a school teacher with a passion for history, literature, math and biology, to currently completing a master’s in pastoral ministry with spiritual formation as a discipline.

Though conservative in my theology, I am liberal in my application. God’s diversity is a constant delight to me; I have been privileged to enjoy both natural creation and other cultures during extensive worldwide travels.

I believe in each person’s uniqueness, and that the fullness of life is in discovering and becoming who God really meant us to be. Life’s journey is a process of growth and the way is unique for each of us; it is not a system. I place my trust in Christ’s Love, God’s true transformational medium.

I see my role here at UVic as an ‘amchara’ or ‘soul friend’; to listen, be it a ‘walk and talk’, share a ‘coffee’; to pray with you; to share life’s lessons; to facilitate worship, be it in the formal setting of the campus chapel, or outdoors in God’s ‘cathedral’; and to encourage.

“Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” Psalm 105

Office hours by appointment.