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Implementing the plan

So how are we going to use this to do our work differently?
How will this help us prioritize our work? 

We hope that this plan will help each of us focus on what makes UVic distinct. This is how we can articulate what is most important to the UVic community and how we can best contribute to our changing world with a new level of creativity, enthusiasm, compassion and humility. 

As members of the UVic community, let’s take an inclusive approach to implementing this plan. We are each responsible and accountable for living up to the purpose, pledge, principles and priorities we identified together.

Launch event

Thinking differently

We don’t need to do more; we need to think differently. 

Use this plan every day to help us focus as we strive to do meaningful, impactful work that builds on our strengths and leans into what makes UVic distinct. Let it inspire the work we do, especially when we must choose between this or that. When we choose between staying the same or charting a new course, use it to help prioritize what initiatives and activities we start, stop or continue. 

Initiatives & goals

Look to the existing and emerging initiatives and goals that have been articulated in major institutional plans: 

  • Xʷkʷənəŋistəl | W̱ȻENEṈISTEL | Helping to Move Each Other Forward: UVic’s Indigenous Plan is grounded in Coast Salish Sk̓ʷes | TŦE SKÁLs I, TŦE Ś,X̱ENAṈs | Laws and Philosophies. It builds on UVic’s commitment to redress barriers in higher education and honour Indigenous ways of knowing and being in education, research and governance. 
  • The Equity Action Plan provides UVic with strategic direction to advance equity, diversity and inclusion, and to create the conditions in which everyone feels a sense of belonging: as connected and respected parts of the university community. 
  • Aspiration 2030: UVic Research and Creative Works Strategy identifies UVic’s research aspirations, actions, outcomes and the five overlapping impact areas where UVic’s research and creative works are uniquely positioned to make a difference. 
  • The Climate and Sustainability Action Plan (CSAP) is a new and unique approach to sustainability and climate action at UVic—guiding us as we address and adapt to global challenges faced by all universities. 
  • Forthcoming academic and global engagement plans. 

These plans, and the operational plans that direct our daily activities, are living documents that guide us as a community and as an institution toward fulfilling our shared purpose, pledge and principles.

Learn more about all our institutional plans. 

It’s up to each of us to decide what we can do individually—and as a team—to support progress in our priority areas. This is everyone’s plan—yours, ours and the next generation’s, too. 

Here’s to another 60 years. Here’s to being Distinctly UVic. Let’s get started.