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Associate professor and chair


Office: COR A336 250-853-3783
Area of expertise:
Gender and social theory

Steve Garlick completed his BA (sociology and philosophy) and MA (sociology) at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He undertook his doctoral research in sociology at the City University of New York Graduate Center under the supervision of Patricia Ticineto Clough. Prior to joining UVic in 2007, he taught at Hunter College in New York.

Dr. Garlick’s research focuses on a range of issues concerning gender (especially masculinity), sexuality, technology, bodies and critical social theory. He is the author of The Nature of Masculinity: Critical Theory, New Materialisms, and Technologies of Embodiment (UBC Press, 2016).

His work is particularly concerned with analyzing the ways in which historically specific constructions of sex, gender and sexuality mediate between social formations and natural forces, and thereby come to shape forms of knowledge, politics, and being.

Dr. Garlick’s work draws heavily on social theory and historical approaches to sociology, but he aspires to be transdisciplinary in the scope of his research and participates in UVic’s Cultural, Social and Political Thought program. His current research project involves a critical examination of the intersection of masculinity and neoliberalism.

Dr. Garlick has supervised graduate students working in the areas of men and masculinities, gendered violence, cultural representations of same-sex relationships, tattooed bodies, the politics of GLBT Pride organizations, media and visual representations of cultural otherness, social movements and the internet, poststructural and new materialist theories, and genderqueer politics. He is keen to supervise students in all of the areas of interest listed below.


  • masculinity
  • gender relations
  • critical social theory
  • new materialism
  • sexuality
  • bodies
  • technology  and science studies


Garlick, Steve. 2016. The Nature of Masculinity: Critical Theory, New Materialisms and Technologies of Embodiment. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Garlick, Steve. 2021. "." Feminist Theory.

Garlick, Steve. 2021. "The unrealized potential of body-reflexive practices: intimations of a new materialism." Boyhood Studies 14 (1): 93-103.

Garlick, Steve. 2020. "The nature of markets: on the affinity between masculinity and (neo)liberalism." Journal of Cultural Economy 13 (5): 548-60.

Garlick, Steve. 2019. "The return of nature: feminism, hegemonic masculinities and new materialisms." Men and Masculinities 22 (2): 380-403.

Garlick, Steve. 2014. "The biopolitics of masturbation: masculinity, complexity and security." Body & Society 20 (2): 44-67.

Garlick, Steve. 2013. "Complexity, masculinity and critical theory: revisiting Marcuse on technology, eros and nature." Critical Sociology 39 (2): 223-38.

Garlick, Steve. 2012. "Masculinity, pornography and the history of masturbation." Sexuality and Culture 16 (3): 306-20.

Garlick, Steve. 2011. "A new sexual revolution? Critical theory, pornography and the internet."The Canadian Review of Sociology 48 (3): 221-39.

Garlick, Steve. 2010. "Taking control of sex? Hegemonic masculinity, technology and internet pornography." Men and Masculinities 12 (5): 597-614.

Garlick, Steve. 2010. "Uncanny sex: cloning, photographic vision and the reproduction of nature." Social Semiotics 20 (2): 139-54.

Garlick, Steve. 2009. "Given time: biology, nature and photographic vision." History of the Human Sciences 22 (5): 81-101.

Garlick, Steve. 2009. "Organizing nature: sex, philosophy and the biological." Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (7): 823-40.

Garlick, Steve. 2008. "Code-scripting the body: sex and the onto-theology of bioinformatics." Postmodern Culture 19 (1).

Garlick, Steve. 2006. "Mendel’s generation: molecular sex and the informatic body." Body and Society 12 (4): 53-71.

Garlick, Steve. 2004. "Distinctly feminine: on the relationship between men and art." Berkeley Journal of Sociology 48: 108-25.

Garlick, Steve. 2003. "What is a man? Heterosexuality and the technology of masculinity." Men and Masculinities 6 (2): 156-72.

Garlick, Steve. 2002. "Melancholic secrets: gender ambivalence and the Unheimlich." The Psychoanalytic Review 89 (6): 861-76.

Garlick, Steve. 2002. "Revealing the unseen: tourism, art and photography." Cultural Studies 16 (2): 289-305.

Garlick, Steve. 2002. "The beauty of friendship: Foucault, masculinity and the work of art." Philosophy and Social Criticism 28 (5): 558-77.

Garlick, Steve. 2019. "Sexual Affects: Masculinity and Online Pornographies," pp. 253 – 61, in L. Gottzen, U. Mellstrom, & T. Shefer (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Masculinity Studies. Routledge: Abingdon.

Willcocks, Doug & Steve Garlick. 2012. "Wrestling with Canadian Masculinities: Contesting Hegemony within WWE’s Masculinities Matrix." In Christopher Greig & Wayne Martino (eds.) Canadian Men and Masculinities: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Canadian Scholars’ Press, pp. 329-44.

Garlick, Steve. 2011. "Maintaining Control? Masculinity and Internet Pornography," in Lorne Tepperman (ed.) Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Oxford University Press, pp. 29-32.