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Office: COR A338 250-721-7573
PhD (York)
Area of expertise:
Corporate capitalism, climate crisis, social movements and social change

Dr. Carroll is a critical sociologist with research interests in the political economy/ecology of corporate capitalism, social movements and social change, and critical social theory and method.

His current research is focused around the relationships between corporate power, fossil capitalism and the climate crisis. He co-directs “Mapping the power of the carbon-extractive corporate resource sector,” an SSHRC-funded partnership of several universities and civil-society organizations which traces the modalities of corporate power and resistance within the global political economy, focusing on fossil capital based in western Canada.

A member of the sociology department at the 番茄社区 since 1981, and founding director of UVic's interdisciplinary program in social justice studies, Dr. Carroll’s books include:

  • Organizing the 1%: How Corporate Power Works (with J.P. Sapinski)
  • Expose, Oppose, Propose: Alternative Policy Groups and the Struggle for Global JusticeA World to Win (with Kanchan Sarker)
  • The Making of a Transnational Capitalist ClassCorporate Power in a Globalizing WorldCorporate Power and Canadian Capitalism, Remaking Media (with Bob Hackett)
  • Critical Strategies for Social Research
  • Organizing Dissent

He was a founding participant in the Interdisciplinary graduate program in cultural, social and political thought and has been awarded the Canadian Sociology Association's John Porter Memorial Prize twice: in 1988 for Corporate Power and Canadian Capitalism and in 2006 for Corporate Power in a Globalizing World. In 2008 he was awarded the 番茄社区 Faculty of Social Sciences research excellence award. In 2011 he received the CSA’s outstanding contribution award for career achievements.

Dr. Carroll was president (2010-14) of economy and society, a large research committee of the International Sociological Association, and currently serves on its executive committee. He is also vice president of ISA’s futures research committee and sits on 11 academic editorial boards.

Faces of UVic Research video


Carroll, William (ed.). 2021. . Edmonton: AU Press.

Carroll, William and J.P. Sapinski. 2018. . Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, with J.P. Sapinski as second author. 

Carroll, William. 2016. . London and Halifax: Zed Books and Fernwood Publishing.

Carroll, William and Kanchan Sarker (eds.). 2016. . Winnipeg; ARP Books, with Kanchan Sarker as second editor.

Carroll, William, Carson, Meindert Fennema, Eelke Heemskerk and J.P. Sapinski. 2010.  London: Zed Books.

Carroll, William. 2010.  Revised edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Hackett, Robert and William Carroll. 2006.  London: Routledge.

Carroll, William and R.S. Ratner (Eds.) 2005.  Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

Carroll, William. 2004.  Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Carroll, William. 2004.  Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.

Carroll, William and Yildiz Atasoy. 2003.  Toronto: Garamond Press.

Carroll, William (ed.) 1997.  Seocnd Edition. Toronto: Garamond Press.

Carroll, William, Linda Christiansen-Ruffman, Raymond F. Currie and Deborah Harrison (eds.) 1992. Fragile Truths: 25 Years of Sociology and Anthropology in Canada. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.

Carroll, William. 1986.  Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Magnusson, W., William Carroll, Charles Doyle, Monika Langer and R.B.J. Walker (eds.). 1984. The New Reality. Vancouver: New Star Books.

2021. “.” Socialist Studies 15(1).   

2021. Carroll, William with Nick Graham and Mark Shakespear as coauthors. “Mapping the Environmental Field: Networks of Foundations, ENGOs and Think Tanks.” Canadian Review of Sociology 58:284-305.  

2020. "Fossil Capitalism, Climate Capitalism, Energy Democracy: The Struggle for Hegemony in an era of Climate Crisis." Socialist Studies 14(1): 1-26.

2020. "Foundations, ENGOs, Clean Growth Networks and the Integral State." Canadian Journal of Sociology 45:109-40, with Nicolas Graham and Mark Shakespear as co-authors.

2020. "Carbon Capital's Political Reach: A Network Analysis of Federal Lobbying by the Fossil Fuel Industry from Harper to Trudeau." Canadian Political Science Review 14:1-31, with Nicolas Graham and Mark Shakespear as co-authors.

2018. “Rethinking the transnational capitalist class.” Alternate Routes 29: 188-206.

2018. “Corporate power, fossil capital, climate crisis: Introducing the Corporate Mapping Project.” Studies in Political Economy 100.

2018. “The corporate elite and the architecture of climate change denial: a network analysis of carbon capital’s reach into civil society.” Canadian Review of Sociology 55(3), with Nicolas Graham, Michael Lang, Kevin McCartney and Zoe Yunker as second authors.

2017. “Canada's carbon-capital elite: a tangled web of corporate power.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 42: 225-60.

2017. “Transnational Alternative Policy Groups in Global Civil Society: Enablers of Post-Capitalist    Alternatives or Carriers of NGOization?” Critical Sociology 43: 875-92, with J.P. Sapinski as co-author.

2016. “Critical nexus or chaotic discipline? Re-visioning sociology again.” Canadian Review of Sociology 53: 244-52.

2016. “The Global Corporate Elite after the Financial Crisis: Evidence from the Transnational Network of Interlocking Directorates.” Global Networks 16:  68–88, with Eelke M. Heemskerk as first author and Meindert Fennema as second author.

2016. “The Rich Ambiguity of Political Sociology in Canada.” Canadian Review of Sociology 53: 346-50.

2016. "Robust Radicalism.” Review of Radical Political Economics 47: 663-8.

2015. “Modes of Cognitive Praxis in Transnational Alternative Policy Groups.”Globalizations 12:710-727.

2014. “Building Capacity for Alternative Knowledge: The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives,” Canadian Review of Social Policy 70: 93-111, with David Huxtable as coauthor.

2014. "Expose/Oppose/Propose: The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Challenge of Alternative Knowledge.” Labour/Le travail, 74: 1-24, with David Huxtable as coauthor.

2104 . “Bridging Gaps: Social Justice Studies at the 番茄社区.” Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research 4: 157-69.

2013. “Discipline, Field, Nexus: Re-visioning Sociology.” Canadian Review of Sociology 50: 1-26.

2013. “Half a Century of Sociological Scholarship in the CRS(A).” Canadian Review of Sociology 50: 239-55.

2013. “Networks of Cognitive Praxis: Transnational Class Formation from Below?” Globalizations 10: 651-70.

2013. “Whither the Transnational Capitalist Class?” Socialist Register 50: 162-88

2013. “Playdough Capitalism: An Adventure in Critical Pedagogy.” Socialist Studies 9(1): 52-68.

2013. “Global Capitalism, American Empire, Collective Imperialism?” Studies in Political Economy 92: 93-100.

2013. “Embedding Post-Capitalist Alternatives? The Global Network of Alternative Knowledge Production and Mobilization.” Journal of World-Systems Research 19(2): 211-40, with JP Sapinski as second author.

2012. “Global, Transnational, Regional, National: The Need for Nuance in Theorizing Global Capitalism.” Critical Sociology 38: 365-71.

2011. “Transnational Class Formation? Globalization and the Canadian Corporate Network.” Journal of World-Systems Research 17: 379-402, with Jerome Klassen as co-author.

2010. "The Global Corporate Elite and the Transnational Policy-Planning Network, 1996–2006: A Structural Analysis." International Sociology 25(4): 501-538, with JP Sapinski as second author.

2010. "Constituting Corporate Europe: A Study of Elite Social Organization." Antipode 42(4): 811-43, with Meindert Fennema and Eelke M. Heemskerk as second co-authors.

2010. "." Canadian Journal of Sociology 35(1): 1-30, with Jerome Klassen as second author.

2010. "." Interface 2(2): 168-98 .

2010. ". "New Proposals 4(1): 7-22, with R.S. Ratner as co-author (feature article).

2009. "Transnationalists and National Networkers in the Global Corporate Elite." Global Networks 9(2): 289-314.

2008. "The Corporate Elite and the Transformation of Finance Capital: A view from Canada." Sociological Review 56(S1): 44-63.

2008. "Building our Media: Community Broadcasting, Social Movements and Media Democratization." Global Media Journal – Australian Edition 1(1): 1-6, with Robert A. Hackett as first author.

2007. "Global Cities in the Global Corporate Network." Environment and Planning A 39: 2297-2323

2007. "From Canadian Corporate Elite to Transnational Capitalist Class: Transitions in the Organization of Corporate Power." Canadian Review of Sociology 44(3): 265-88

2007. "Ambivalent Allies: Social Democratic Regimes and Social Movements. BC Studies 154 (Summer): 37-62, with R.S. Ratner as co-author.

2007. "." Studies in Social Justice 1(1): 36-66

2006. "Democratic Media Activism through the lens of Social Movement Theory." Media, Culture & Society 28 (1): 83-104, with Robert A. Hackett as second author

2006. " "Socialist Studies 2 (2): 9-43

2005. "The NDP Regime in British Columbia, 1991-2001: A post-mortem." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 42 (2): 167-96, with R.S. Ratner as co-author.

2003. "Forging a new hegemony? The role of transnational policy groups in the network and discourses of global corporate governance."  Journal of World-Systems Research 9 (1): 67-104, with Colin Carson as co-author.

2003. "The Network of Global Corporations and Policy Groups: A Structure for Transnational Capitalist Class Formation?" Global Networks 3 (1): 29-57, with Colin Carson as co-author.

2002. "Does Disorganized Capitalism Disorganize Corporate Networks?" Canadian Journal of Sociology 27: 339–71.

2002. "Is There a Transnational Business Community?" International Sociology 17: 393-419, with Meindert Fennema as co-author.

2002. "Westward Ho? The Shifting Geography of Corporate Power in Canada." Journal of Canadian Studies 36 (4): 118-42.

2001. "Neoliberal transformation and antiglobalization politics in Canada: Transition, consolidation, resistance." International Journal of Political Economy 31(3): 33-66, with William Little as co-author.

2001. "Sustaining Oppositional Culture in ‘Post-Socialist’ Times: A Comparative Study of Three Social Movement Organizations." Sociology 35: 605-29, with R.S. Ratner as co-author.

2001. "Consolidating a Neoliberal Policy Bloc in Canada, 1976‑1996." Canadian Public Policy 27(2):1‑23, with Murray Shaw as co-author.

2001. "Undoing the End of History: Canada‑Centred Reflections on the Challenge of Globalization." Socialist Studies Bulletin 63-64: 5-31.

2000. Globalization, Neo-Liberalism and the Changing Face of Corporate Hegemony in Higher Education. Studies in Political Economy 62: 71-98, with James Beaton as co-author

1999. Finance Capital and Capitalist Class Integration with the 1990's: Networks of Interlocking Directorships in Canada and Australia. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology  36:331-54 with Malcolm Alexander as co-author

1999. Media Strategies and Political Projects: A Comparative Study of Social Movements. Canadian Journal of Sociology 24(1):1-34 with R.S. Ratner as co-author

1996. Master Framing and Cross-Movement Networking in Contemporary Social Movements. The Sociological Quarterly 37:601-625 with R.S. Ratner as co-author

1995. Old Unions and New Social Movements. Labour/Le Travail 35:195-221 with R.S. Ratner as co-author.

1994. Between Leninism and Radical Pluralism: Gramscian Reflections on Counter-Hegemony and the New Social Movements.  Critical Sociology 20(2):3-26 with R.S. Ratner as co-author.

1993. Introduction. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Special Issue on New Directions with Study of Social Movements, 30(3):309-15

1991. Restructuring Finance Capital:  Changes in the Canadian Corporate Network 1976-1986. Sociology 25:491-510 with Scott Lewis as co-author.

1990. Restructuring Capital, Reorganizing Consent:  Gramsci, Political Economy, and Canada. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 27:390-416

1989. Feminism, Class Consciousness and Household-Work Linkages Among Registered Nurses in Victoria. Labour/Le Travail 24:131-45, with Rennie Warburton as co-author

1989. Ambiguities of Political Consciousness Among Registered Nurses in Victoria. B.C. Studies 83:3-28, with Rennie Warburton as co-author.

1989. Social Democracy, Neo-Conservatism and Hegemonic Crisis in British Columbia. Critical Sociology 16(1):29-53, with R.S. Ratner as co-author

1989. Neoliberalism and the Recomposition of Finance Capital in Canada. Capital and Class 38:81-112.

1987. The 1981 Socioeconomic Index for Occupations in Canada. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 24:465-88 with Bernard R. Blishen and Catherine Moore as co-authors.

1987. Which Women are More Proletarianized?  Gender, Class and Occupation in Canada.  Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 24:571-85.

1984. The Individual, Class, and Corporate Power in Canada. Canadian Journal of Sociology 9:245-68 (special issue on class and social stratification)

1982. The Network of Directorate Links Among the Largest Canadian Firms. Mi 19:44-69 with John Fox and Michael D. Ornstein as co-authors.

1982. The Canadian Corporate Elite:  Financiers or Finance Capitalists? Studies in Political Economy 8:89-114.

1978. Sex Differences in a Socio-Economic Index for Occupations in Canada. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 15:352-371 with Bernard Blishen as co-author.

2021. “From Ugly American to Critical Sociologist, in Five Decades.” In Stephen Riggins and Neil McLaughlin (eds.), Canadian Sociologists in the First Person. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.

2020. "." Pp. 30-57 in Vishwas Satgar (ed.), BRICS and the New American Imperialism: Global Rivalry and Resistence. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.

2018. "Carbon capital and corporate influence: Mapping elite networks of corporations, universities and research institutes." Pp. 58-74 in Jamie Brownlee, Chris Hurl and Kevin Walby (eds.), Corporatizing Canada. Toronto: Between the Lines, with Nicolas Graham and Zoe Yunker as co-authors.

2018. “Reflections on the Amsterdam School and the transnational capitalist class.” In Bob Jessop and Henk Overbeek (eds.), Transnational Capital and Class Fractions: The Amsterdam School Perspective Reconsidered. London: Routledge.

2018. “Interlocking directorates and corporate networks.” Pp. 45-60 in Andreas Nölke and Christian May (eds.), Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation. Northhampton, MA USA: Elgar, with J.P. Sapinski as coauthor.

2017. “Counter-hegemonic Projects and Cognitive Praxis in Transnational Alternative Policy Groups.” Pp. 197-217 in Alejandra Salas-Porras and Georgina Murray, eds., Think Tanks and Global Politics: Key Spaces in the Structure of Power. London: Palgrave Macmillan, with Elaine Coburn as coauthor.

2016. “Neoliberalism and the Transnational Capitalist Class.” Pp. 25-35 in Kean Birch, Julie MacLeavy and Simon Springer, eds., The Handbook of Neoliberalism. London: Routledge, with JP Sapinski as coauthor.

2016. “The Changing Face(s) of Corporate Power in Canada.” Pp 12-23 in Edward G. Grabb and Monica Hwang (eds.), Social Inequality in Canada, 6th edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

2016. “Social Movements and Counter-Hegemony.” Pp. 9-60 in William K Carroll and Kanchan Sarker (eds.), A World to Win: Contemporary Social Movements and Counter-Hegemony. Winnipeg: ARP Books.

2016. ".” 47th Annual Sorokin Lecture. Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan.

2015. "El Neoliberalismo Continental y la Élite Corporativa Canadiense". Pp. 39-79 in Elisa Dávalos (ed.), Tendencias Económicas Emergentes en América del Norte. México City: Uiversidad Nacional Autónoma de México-Centro de Investigaciones Sobre América del Norte, with Jerome Klassen as co-author.

2015. “Alter-globalisation and alternative media: the role of transnational alternative policy groups.” Pp. 22-34 in Chris Atton (ed), The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media. London: Routledge.

2015. “Alternative Policy Groups and Global Civil Society: Networks and Discourses of Counter-hegemony.” Pp. 233-254 in Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers (eds.), Protest and Politics: The Promise of Social Movement Societies. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

2015. “Activist Understandings of the crisis of 2008.” Pp. 50-76 in Vishwas Satgar (ed.), Capitalism’s Crises. Johannesburg: WITs University Press.

2014. “Alternative Policy Groups and Transnational Counter-Hegemonic Struggle.” Pp. 259-84 in Yıldız Atasoy (ed.) Global Economic Crisis and the Politics of Diversity. London & New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

2014. “Transnational Class Formation. Globalization and the Canadian Corporate Network.” Pp. 154-79 in Jerome Klassen, Joining Empire. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, with Jerome Klassen as co-author.

2014. “The Global Corporate Elite and the Transnational Policy-Planning Network, 1996-2006: A Structural Analysis.” Pp. 233-64 in Peter J. Carrington (ed.), Applications of Social Network Analysis. London: Sage Publications, vol. 3, with J.P. Sapinski as co-author.

2013. “Neoliberal Hegemony and the Organization of Consent.” Pp. 121-35 in Rebecca Fisher (ed.), Managing Democracy, Managing Dissent: Capitalism, Democracy and the Organisation of Dissent. London: Freedom Press, with Matthew Greeno as co-author.

2014. "La globalización y la red corporativa canadiense". Pp. 145-187 in Alejandra Salas-Porras (ed.), ¿Cómo se Gobierna América del Norte? Estrategias, Instituciones y Políticas Públicas, México: SITESA-UNAM-FCPYS, with Jerome Klassen as co-author.

2012. “Capital relations and directorate interlocking: the global network in 2007.” In Georgina Murray and John Scott (eds.), Financial Elites and Transnational Business: Who Rules the World? Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 54-75.

2011. “Corporate Elites and Intercorporate Networks.” In John Scott and Peter D. Carrington (eds.) Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis. London: Sage, 180-95, with J. P. Sapinski as co-author

2009. “Corporate Canada, Globalization and Neoliberal Democracy.” In Edward Grabb and Neil Guppy (eds), Social Inequality in Canada, fifth edition. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall, 29-43.

2009. “World Trade Organization (WTO) protests, Quebec City, 2001.” In Immanuel Ness (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 3654-3661.

2008. “Tracking the Transnational Capitalist Class: The View from on High.” In Yildiz Atasoy (ed), Hegemonic Transitions, the State and Crisis in Neoliberal Capitalism, London & New York: Routledge, 43-64.

2006. “Marx’s Method and the Contribution of Institutional Ethnography.” In Caelie Frampton, Gary Kinsman, AK Thompson and Kate Tilleczek (eds.), Sociology for Changing the World, Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 232-45.

2006. “Neoliberalism, Capitalist Class Formation and the Global Network of Corporations and Policy Groups.” In Dieter Plehwe, Bernhard Walpen and Gisela Neunhoffer (eds.), Neoliberal Hegemony: A Global Critique. London: Routledge, 51-69, with Colin Carson as co-author.

2005. “Social Democracy in Neoliberal Times.” In William K. Carroll and R.S. Ratner (eds.), Challenges and Perils: Social Democracy in Neoliberal Times. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 7-24.

2005. “The NDP Regime in British Columbia, 1991-2001: A Post-Mortem.” In William K. Carroll and R.S. Ratner (eds.), Challenges and Perils: Social Democracy in Neoliberal Times. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 105-36, with R.S. Ratner as co-author.

2004. “Unpacking and Contextualizing Critical Research Strategies.” In W.K. Carroll (ed.), Critical Strategies for Social Research. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 1-14.

2004. “Conclusion”. In W.K. Carroll (ed.), Critical Strategies for Social Research. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 385-96.

2003. "Social Movements and Transformation." In Wallace Clement and Leah F. Vosko (editors) Changing Canada: Political Economy as Transformation. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 79-105, with Elaine Coburn as co-author.

2003. “Wealth of Nations: Aboriginal Treaty Making in the Era of Globalization.” In John Torpey (ed.) Politics and the Past. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 217-47, with R.S. Ratner and Andrew Woolford as co-authors.

2001. “Social Movements.” In Douglas Baer (ed.) Political Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 142-163.

2000. “Neoliberalism, Corporate Hegemony, and the University.” In Denise Doherty-Delorme and Erika Shaker (eds.), Missing Pieces II: An Alternative Guide to Canadian Post-Secondary Education. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 200-208, with James Beaton as co-author.

1997. “Social Movements and Counterhegemony: Canadian Contexts and Social Theories,” in William K. Carroll, ed., Organizing Dissent: Contemporary Social Movements in Theory and Practice, Second edition (Toronto: Garamond Press), 3-38.

1996. "Social Justice and Social Movements: Challenges and Opportunities in a Globalized World,” in William Carroll, Radhika Desai and Warren Magnusson, Globalization, Social Justice and Social Movements: A Reader (Victoria: 番茄社区 Division of Continuing Studies), 89-147.

1993. New Directions in the Study of Social Movements, A Special Issue of the Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 30(3), edited, 120 pp.

1993. "Canada in the Crisis: Transformations in Capital Structure and Political Strategy," in Henk Overbeek, ed., Restructuring Hegemony in the Global Political Economy. London: Routledge, 216-45.

1992. "Contemporary Social Movements and the Left in English Canada: An Overview." Mado 14:163-76, translated into Japanese by Yahiro Unno.

1992. "Introduction: Social Movements and Counter-Hegemony in a Canadian Context," in W.K. Carroll, ed., Organizing Dissent. (Toronto: Garamond Press), 1-19.

1992. "Introduction," in W.K. Carroll et al., eds., Fragile Truths. (Ottawa: Carleton University Press), with Linda Christiansen-Ruffman, Raymond F. Currie and Deborah Harrison as co-authors, 1-13.

1991. "Capital, Labour and the State: The Future of the Labour Movement" in B. Singh Bolaria, ed., Social Issues and Contradictions in Canadian Society. (Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch), 317-36, with Rennie Warburton as co-author.

1988. "The Political Economy of Canada" in James Curtis and Lorne Tepperman, eds., Understanding Canadian Society (Toronto: McGraw-:Hill Ryerson Limited), 129-82.

1988. "Class and Corporate Power," in James Curtis et al, eds., Social Inequality in Canada (Scarborough: Prentice-Hall Canada), 53-68.

1988. "Class and Gender in Nursing", in B. Singh Bolaria and Harley D. Dickenson, eds., Sociology of Health Care in Canada (Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch), 364-74 with Rennie Warburton as senior co-author

1985. "Dependency, Imperialism and the Capitalist Class in Canada," in Robert J. Brym, ed., The Structure of the Canadian Capitalist Class (Toronto: Garamond Press), 21-52.

1984. The New Reality (Vancouver: New Star Brooks), edited with Warren Magnusson as senior co-editor, and Charles Doyle, Monika Langer and R.B.J. Walker as co-editors.

1984. "The Solidarity Coalition," in Warren Magnusson, William K. Carroll, Charles Doyle, Monika Langer, and R.B.J. Walker, eds., The New Reality (Vancouver: New Star Books), 94-114.

1984. "Medicare at Risk," in Warren Magnusson, William K. Carroll, Charles Doyle, Monika Langer and R.B.J. Walker, eds., The New Reality (Vancouver: New Star Books), 214-227, Charles Doyle and Noel Schacter, co-authors.

1982. "Socioeconomic Measures from Canadian Census Data," ch. 3 in Mary G. Powers (ed.), Measures of Socioeconomic Status: Current Issues. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, Inc., with Bernard R. Blishen as co-author.

1981. "Cognitive Balance in Personal Construct Systems," ch. 8 in Han Bonarius, Ray Holland and Seymour Rosenberg, (eds.), Personal Construct Psychology (London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd.), with Rita C. Carroll as co-author.

1980. "Testing and Assessment Across Cultures: Issues in Methodology and Theory," in H. Triandis and W.W. Lambert, eds., Handbook of Cross-Cultural Psychology (Boston: Allyn), vol. II, 181-244, with S.H. Irvine as senior co-author.