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Meet our grad students

Our department is home to about 60 grad students engaged in a variety of research areas.

Nicholas Andrews, PhD student

Grad student, Nic AndrewsNicholas received his BA (Philosophy, Political Science & Economics) from UBC and his MA (Political Science) from the University of Windsor. He started the PhD program in September 2019 focused on the intersection of international law, international organizations, environmental justice and climate change.

Within the department, Nicholas has been a teaching assistant for various courses and a research assistant for his supervisor, Dr. Will Greaves, looking at Arctic and Inuit security. Nicholas is also a research fellow at the North American and Arctic Defense and Security Network (NAADSN) based at Trent University.

Michael Chutskoff, PhD student

Michael ChutskoffMichael is a two-spirit, Indigiqueer scholar with Cree and Métis roots from Treaty 5 territory in Manitoba but grew up disconnected on unceded Stó:lō territory. Michael’s MA in Indigenous Governance from UVic and lived experiences inspire his research interests in Indigenous political mobilization, power, privilege and oppression, colonial power structures, gender and sexuality in politics and Indigenous futurities.

Under the supervision of Dr. Kelly Aguirre, Michael aims to uncover the ways in which cis-heteronormativity works to actively exclude queer, transgender and two-spirit people from participating in decolonial political movements at both the grassroots and intellectual levels.

Ava Dale, MA student

Grad student, Ava DaleAva is exploring the international repercussions of overturning Roe v. Wade in the United States. She graduated from UBC Okanagan in May 2023 with a BA in International Relations and a minor in Psychology. She is working with Dr. Mara Marin and Dr. Laura Parisi to map out the laws and people overseas that may be at risk in light of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to end the federal protection of reproductive care.

Michael Evans, MA student

Grad student, Ava DaleMícháel Evans is a University of New Brunswick graduate locked in a perpetual battle with his thesis on American country music, nationalism, and the culture industry. A great disciple of Horkheimer and Adorno, he would like nothing better than to finish his thesis and get a chance to box with the ghost of his greatest enemy, Leo Strauss. His supervisor is Simon Glezos.

Monet Nobuso, MA student

Monet NobusoMonet is studying political theory, institutional oppression and the power of social movements under the supervision of Dr. Mara Marin. Her tentative thesis title is “In which democratic systems can people pursue their political goals through social movements?".

Monet is from Japan and graduated with a bachelor's degree in the International Relations. She has explored themes in social justice and will reflect an intersectional point of view in her research which complements her personal and academic background. Please feel free to reach out whenever you see her on campus!

Annilea Purser, MA student

Annilea PurserAnnilea (she/her) is a white settler student interested in Indigenous self-determination, de-colonization, education policy and land rights. She is undertaking a SSHRC-funded research project looking at First Nations' right to self-determined education under recent policy developments under the supervision of Dr. Kelly Aguirre and Dr. Lois Harder

Annilea completed a BA at Brock University, where her thesis was entitled "Turning the 'Dark Page'? Canada's Policy Conceptualization of First Nations Self-Determined Education." In her spare time, she runs an educational non-profit, The BookWorm Initiative, and loves to hike!

Anna-Elaine Rempel, MA student

Anna Elaine RempelAnna-Elaine (she/they) is an MA student, community advocate and researcher. She completed her BA with honours at UVic in April 2023, and wrote her undergraduate thesis on how BC post-secondary institutions interpret and enact their duties of transparency and accountability under the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act.

Anna-Elaine also holds an associate of arts degree in Global Stewardship from Capilano University. Their main academic areas of interest include gender and politics, sexualized and gender-based violence prevention and response, public policy, BC politics and seniors' housing policy. Her supervisor is Dr. Justin Leifso.

Aly Tkachenko, PhD student

Aly TkachenkoAly Tkachenko is a PhD student in International Relations and Canadian Politics at UVic. Her research focuses on critical security studies, climate change, oceanic security and civil disobedience. Aly is a research fellow with the North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network (NAADSN), as well as a 2024 fellowship recipient with the Climate Security Association of Canada (CSAC). Her work at UVic is supervised by Dr. Will Greaves

Aly holds an MA in political science from UVic (2022) and a BA from McMaster (2021). She has worked as a researcher and writer for the Firelight Group, and is looking forward to the publication of a co-authored article titled Degrees of Optimism: A Study of Youth Climate Activists in British Columbia in the journal BC Studies.

Recent theses & dissertations


Ryleigh Sadler, "Implementing the UNDRIP into the Province of British Columbia: The Impact of BC’s Declaration Act on Buck-Passing and Injustices of Misframing" Supervisor: Dr. Matt James

Simone Minana, “Arctic Politics in a Time of Change: A Study on the Impact of Deteriorating Relations on the Indigenous Peoples' Inclusion in Arctic Decision-Making Proceses” Supervisor: Dr. Will Greaves 


Isabelle Bennett, “Social Movement Theory and Mexico’s Movement in Search of the Disappeared: Bottom-Up Processes of Democracy” Supervisor: Dr. Michelle Bonner (major research paper)

Sophie Bruckel, "A New Language of Civic Space and Civic Action: Repertoires of Possible in Contentious Urban Spaces, Digital Spaces and Affective Spaces of Resistance and Solidarity in Greece" Supervisor: Dr. Oliver Schmidtke (major research paper)

Jason Buckingham, “Populism’s Three Pillars of Democratic Erosion: The Case of Post-Communist Hungary” Supervisor: Dr. Michelle Bonner (major research paper)

Morag Champagne-Holland, "Short-term Band-aid Solutions: A Feminist Analysis of Family Caregiving and Caregiver Immigration Policies in Canada" Supervisor: Dr. Marlea Clarke

Camille Dehghan, "The Effectiveness of Regulatory Responses in Combatting Labour Exploitation in the Apparel Industry" Supervisor: Dr. Marlea Clarke (major research paper)

Kaia Depelteau, “Constructing Common-Sense: The Commodity Form of Intellectual Pproperty Law in the Global Agrifood System” Supervisor: Dr. Claire Cutler (major research paper)

Chelsea Dunn, "Death by Markets: The World Bank's Laissez-Faire Governance of Internal Climate Migration" Supervisor: Dr. Claire Cutler (major research paper)

Neil Kohlmann, "Making Political Music Contrapuntal Constitutionalism and Indigenous-Settler Relations" Supervisor: Dr. Avigail Eisenberg

CiCi (Si-Min) Li, "Using Dialects to Fight: Civil Practices in Chinese Cyber Space" Supervisor: Dr. Feng Xu (major research paper)

Mostafa Majidi, "ICT Censorship in Modern Iran: Mechanisms and Obstacles to a Potential Democratic Transition" Supervisor: Dr. Michelle Bonner (major research paper)

Karley Sider “Two Decades Beyond the Taliban Regime: The Most Significant Obstacles to Reducing Child Soldiers in Afghanistan” Supervisor: Dr. Michelle Bonner (major research paper)

Sarah Stilwell, "Addressing Atrocity in the Canadian State: The Discourse of 'Legacy' and the Comprehension of Historical Injustices" Supervisor: Dr. Simon Glezos


Joe Crowther, "Thawing the Tension: U.S.-Greenland Relations and Climate Change (non)Securitization" Supervisor: Dr. Will Greaves

Lingyu Jing, "Sovereignty and Eschatology: The Reordering of the Apocalypse in Carl Schmitt's Political Theology" Supervisor: Dr. Simon Glezos

Corie Kielbiski, "Deliberation and Diplomacy: Statue Removals in Two Municipalities in Canada" Supervisor: Dr. Matt James

Abigail Kohler, “The ICC’s Limitations in Convicting Crimes of Human Trafficking” Supervisor: Dr. Michelle Bonner (major research paper)

Luke Lavender, "Haptic Performativity: Exploring the Force of Bodies and the Limits of Linguistic Action in Silent Protests" Supervisor: Dr. Simon Glezos

Domonic McDonald, "The Black Homunculus: Toward A Grammar of Black Experience" Supervisor: Dr. Simon Glezos

Jordan Serbino, "Redress Through Constitutional Change: Reimagining the Canada Round for its Reparative Potential” Supervisor: Dr. Matt James

Alyson Tkachenko, "Environmental activism, anarchist methodology, and Indigenous resurgence: Renewed possibilities for ecological security in Canada” Supervisors: Dr. Simon Glezos and Dr. Will Greaves


Agam Chandra, "Subdividing the Vulnerable and Disadvantaged: Labor Stratification and Hierarchies between Philippine and Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong" Supervisor: Dr. Feng Xu

Tracey Cobb, "Strangers at Home: Deportation, Criminal Aliens, and Concepts of Justice in the United States" Supervisor: Dr. Feng Xu

Stephanie Gruhlke, "Controlling Borders & Securing the State: An Interpretative Analysis of International Human Sex Trafficking Policy" Supervisor: Dr. Oliver Schmidtke

Kayla Hofman, "A Defense of Ecofeminism: Re-Examining the Clayoquot Sound Peace Camp" Supervisor: Dr. Will Greaves

Katsistohkwiio Jacco, "Onkwehón:We Women’s Roles in Regenerating and Reclaiming their Ancestral Food Systems: A Pathway to Healing" Supervisor: Dr. Jeff Corntassel

Lacey Jones, "Asserting Coast Salish Authority through Si'em Slheni'" Supervisor: Dr. Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark, Co-Supervisor: Dr. Sarah Hunt

Rivka Landsberg, “Birthing in a Settler State: The Resurgence of Indigenous Birth Practices in Canada” Supervisor: Dr. Jeff Corntassel

Emile Vahabzadeh, "The Nietzschean Overman and the Prospect of Politics" Supervisor: Dr. Simon Glezos (major research paper)


Ebubekir Gorgun, "Reimagining the Politics of Rhino Poaching: The need to Engage Community Voices in Greater Limpopo" Supervisor: Dr. Marlea Clarke (major research paper)

Cathryn Johnston, "Is Virtual Care a Privacy Headache? Babylon Health and Privacy in Canada" Supervisor: Dr. Colin Bennett (major research paper)

Brydon Kramer, "Entangled with/in Empire Indigenous Nations, Settler Preservations, and the Return of Buffalo to Banff National Park" Supervisor: Dr. Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark, Co-Supervisor: Dr. Simon Glezos

Jonathan Lesarge, "African-Centred Resistance: A Study of the African Union’s Model Legislation Governing the Production, Trade and Use of Biotechnology" Supervisor: Dr. Mike Webb (major research paper)

Ryan Nicholson, "Playing the hand you’re dealt: An analysis of Musgamakw Dzawada'enuxw traditional governance and its resurgence" Supervisor: Dr. Jim Tully, Co-Supervisor: Dr. John Burrows

Daniela Pinto dos Santos, "Forgotten memories: Contrasting the re-construction of citizenship in post-authoritarian democracies in Argentina and Brazil" Supervisor: Dr. Michelle Bonner (major research paper)

Kenya Rogers, "Honouring the Stories of Student-Survivors: Trauma Informed Practice in Post-and Secondary Sexualized Violence Policy Review" Supervisor: Dr. Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark

Bruce Sieffert, "Respecting Sovereignties: Indigenous/State Agreements in British Columbia and their Alignment with a Dual Sovereignty Concept" Supervisor: Dr. Jamie Lawson

Moatasim Tungekar, "Path Dependency & Path Generation in Freshwater Management Systems across Canadian Provinces" Supervisor: Dr. Reeta Tremblay (major research paper)

Yabo Wu, "Regulating Online Ride-hailing Platforms: Comparing Policy Responses of Beijing and Shanghai to the Business Conflict and National Policy" Supervisor: Dr. Guoguang Wu

Micheal Ziegler, "Traversing the Digital World: Questing for the Socio-Political Realities of the Digital Age" Supervisor: Dr. Arthur Kroker


Lynn Ng, "From Competition to Cooperation: Reworking Care Relations in Eldercare" Supervisor: Dr. Feng Xu

Micheal Ziegler, "Vectors of Artifical Intelligence Ethics, Social Hope and Politics of Destiny" Supervisor: Dr. Simon Glezos


Morgan Mowatt, "Authority-Making on the River of Mist: Reframing the Indigenous Sovereignty Impasse" Supervisor: Dr. Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark

Jessica Percy Campbell, "Aging in Place with Google and Amazon Smart Speakers: Privacy and Surveillance Implications for Older Adults" Supervisor: Dr. Colin Bennett


Nicole Bates-Eamer, "Framing the Climate Change and Human Mobility Nexus in Canada: From Discourse to Policy?" Supervisor: Dr. Oliver Schmidtke

Phil Henderson, "In and Against Canada" Supervisor: Dr. Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark

Iryna Matiyenko, "The Case of the Russian Electronic Identity Card: From the promise of E-Government to the Problem of Data Sovereignty" Supervisor: Dr. Colin Bennett

Gizem Sozen, "'The Straight Path That Leads to Sodom': Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s Sexual Politics and 19th Century French Feminist Responses" Supervisor: Dr. Simon Glezos

Can Zhao, "Foreign Assets for Chinese Control: Capital Filtration, New Triple Alliance, and the Global Political Economy of China’s Information Industry (1995-2020)" Supervisor: Dr. Guoguang Wu


Regan Burles, "Analogies of the International: System, Structure and World Order" Supervisor: Dr. Rob Walker

Smith Oduro-Marfo, "Surveillance for Development: Debating Citizen Identification Systems in Ghana" Supervisor: Dr. Colin Bennett


Dyan Dunsmoor-Farley, "Globalization’s Ruptures and Responses: Lessons from Three BC Communities" Supervisors: Dr. Jamie Lawson and Dr. Pam Shaw

Jessica Kolopenuk, "Power and Echoes: Colonial Relations of Re/iteration and their Genomic Indigeneities" Supervisor: Dr. Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark

Didier Zuniga, "Relational Ethics for a World of many Worlds. An Ecosocial Theory of Care, Vulnerability and Sustainability" Supervisor: Dr. Avigail Eisenberg


Where are they now?

Learn about the career paths of some of our recent grads:

Former BC Liberal MLA, George Abbott (PhD 2019), published  (2020).

 (PhD 2019) is an assistant professor in politics and international studies at Campion College, University of Regina.

Nicole Bates-Eamer (PhD 2022) is an independent consultant and holds a postdoc fellowship in the School of Public Administration at the 番茄社区.

Regan Burles (PhD 2021) is a SSHRC postdoc fellow in the School of Politics and International Relations at Queen Mary University, London UK.

Phil Henderson (PhD 2022) is a SSHRC postdoc fellow in the Institute of Political Economy at Carleton University, Ottawa. 

 (PhD 2020) is an assistant professor and the Alberta Health Services Research Chair in Indigenous Health in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta.

 (PhD 2022) is a senior privacy analyst in the BC government.

 (PhD 2019) is a lecturer in political science at the University of British Columbia.

Lynn Ng (PhD 2024) has started a Banting Postdoc position researching eldercare with Dr. Ethel Tungohan, York University.

(PhD 2023) is a clinical research analyst for the University Health Network. She is also a sessional instructor in the Department of Political Science at the 番茄社区 and teaches courses on politics and surveillance.

Can Zhao (PhD 2022) is a strategic advisor in the Ministry of Finance of the Government of BC. He is also a sessional instructor in the Department of Political Science at UVic and teaches courses on Chinese politics.

 (PhD 2020) is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science, University of Alberta. His recent book is titled, Pluralist Politics, Relational Worlds.