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Info for teaching assistants

We offer 2 types of teaching assistantships:

  • TA positions for first- and second-year courses
  • grading positions for third-year courses

TA positions

TA positions are for approximately 124 hours. They involve teaching tutorials, holding office hours and grading student essays and exams. Some instructors may also require you to attend lectures.

We post the fall and spring term TA positions each July. There is usually only 1 TA position in the summer, which is posted in early spring.

Occasionally, positions may become available due to increased enrollment or last-minute changes. In all cases, you must apply to be considered. Although you must indicate your preferred courses, you will also be considered for other courses depending on your experience.

You can also apply for positions in other departments in areas related to your interests. In the past programs such as Social Justice Studies, Indigenous Studies and Continuing Studies have hired TAs from Political Science.

Grading positions

Grading positions have fewer hours (typically 20-40) with responsibilities limited to grading and assisting the professor.

Positions are advertised at the beginning of each term and specify the available courses. You must apply to be considered for a position and PhD students typically receive preference.


Occasionally problems arise between professors and their teaching assistants. If that happens, discuss the matter with the graduate adviser. They should be able to facilitate a resolution.

You also have the right to contact your CUPE union representative for advice or representation. If you prefer, you can choose to use their process for dispute resolution. Each department has graduate student shop stewards available to help you.