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Michael Webb

Adjunct and Professor Emeritus

Political Science

PhD (1990) Stanford
Area of expertise:
International political economy, globalization, Canadian foreign policy

About Dr. Webb

Michael Webb received his BA (Honours) in Political Science from the University of British Columbia, an MSc in international relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a PhD in Political Science from Stanford University. He joined the Department of Political Science at UVic in 1991 and retired in 2021.

His research and teaching focused on global political economy, with a particular interest in the relationship between economic globalization and governance. Michael’s 1995 book The Political Economy of Policy Coordination: International Adjustment Since 1945 (Cornell University Press) examined how the growth of international capital markets affected macro-economic policy making in industrialized countries and encouraged their governments to coordinate international adjustment policies more closely.

His current research focuses on global tax governance, especially the role of the OECD in shaping how governments try to tax multinational businesses. Other research has addressed non-governmental organizations in global economic governance and the nature and impact of transnational governance networks organized by and around the OECD. 

Michael taught courses in global political economy, international politics, the United Nations, and community engagement. He received the Faculty of Social Sciences’ 2003 Award for Excellence in Teaching and the UVic Alumni Association’s Harry Hickman Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2007. 

From 2000 to 2009 he served as faculty advisor to the UVic Model United Nations Club, and accompanied students to the annual National Model United Nations Conference in New York.

He co-developed the interdisciplinary course “Working in the Community” for the Faculty of Social Sciences to give students an opportunity to learn about the non-profit sector while volunteering for a local community organization. 

From 2010-14 Michael served as associate dean academic for the Faculty of Social Sciences and was involved in many projects to develop undergraduate academic programs and supports for students. As associate dean he helped develop and guide the faculty’s involvement in interdisciplinary academic programs.

Michael was an elected member of the University Senate from 2008-2014, and served terms as chair of the Senate Committee on Academic Standards, the Senate Committee on Learning and Teaching and the ad hoc Senate Committee to Review the Curriculum Process.

Outside UVic, Michael is an avid cyclist and sailor, and builds wooden boats and furniture.

Selected publications

  • "The Role of the OECD in the Orchestration of Global Knowledge Networks", with Tony Porter as Co-author.  In Rianne Mahon and Stephen McBride, eds., The OECD and Transnational Governance (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008).
  • "Transnational Actors and Global Social Welfare Policy: The Limits of Private Authority", with the assistance of Emily Sinclair. In Louis W. Pauly and William D. Coleman, eds., Global Ordering: Institutions and Autonomy in a Changing World (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008).
  • "Transnational Women’s Groups and Social Policy Activists around the UN and the EU", in Diana Brydon and William D. Coleman, eds., Renegotiating Community: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Global Contexts (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008).
  • "International Competition in Corporate Taxation", Economic Policy, No. 45 (January 2006), pp. 53-201, with Kenneth Stewart as co-author.
  • "Multinational Corporations in Global Governance: Shaping International Corporate Taxation", in Christopher May, ed., Global Corporate Power: (Re)integrating Companies into IPE, International Political Economy Yearbook Volume 15, (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 2006).
  • "The Group of Seven and Global Macroeconomic Governance", in Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey R.D. Underhill, eds., Political Economy and the Changing Global Order, 3rd edition, (Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 2005).
  • "Defining the boundaries of legitimate state practice: norms, transnational actors and the OECD's project on harmful tax competition", Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 11, No. 4 (October 2004), pp. 787-827.
  • The Political Economy of Policy Coordination: International Adjustment Since 1945 (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1995).