
Facilities and labs

Beyond the range of specialized, dedicated research laboratories within the department, there are a number of other facilities available to researchers.

A shared wet/dirty prep lab equipped with two fume-hoods, a chemical lab, a 10-station senior undergrad/grad computer lab, a shared field equipment storage and staging area, a teaching and research equipment sign-out room, and a Wet Teaching Lab that includes a soil shaker, ovens, and a furnace.

Research equipment varies tremendously, from field equipment such as hand-held GPS units to boats and ATVs to state-of-the-art lab-based equipment such as an x-ray densitometer, electronic microscopes, an airborne hyperspectral scanner, and advanced analytical software.

Applied Conservation Science Lab

  • Our mission is to develop applied conservation scholars and practitioners whose research informs and empowers environmental managers to make informed decisions based on evidence.

  • Led by Chris Darimont
  • Visit our 

Coastal Dynamics

  • Our aim is to include flow and sediment transport processes into numerical models of coastal evolution.

  • Led by Eva Kwoll


  • Our work is field based, both community/end-user visits as well as deploying of instrumentation into the ocean, along the coast, or onto mountain icefields.

  • Led by David Atkinson

Community Based Research Lab

  • Our mission is to conduct participatory action research with community members in order to achieve progressive social, economic and environmental sustainable and transformative change.

  • Led by Jutta Gutberlet
  • Visit our

Critical Geographies Research Lab

  • Our aim to critically examine the interrelations of space, knowledge, and power in society and within the academy.

  • Led by Reuben Rose-Redwood
  • Visit our

Enviromental Governance Group

Global systems lab

  • Our mission is to support ethical production and consumption to improve lives and ecosystems in our increasingly interconnected world.

  • Led by Sophia Carodenuto
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ICE Remote Sensing

  • Our research lab's primary interest is the study of the interactions between ice, climate, and ecosystems.

  • Led by Randall Scharien
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Remote Sensing & SPECTRAL Lab

  • Our laboratory facility investigates the interaction of light energy with organic and inorganic material in ocean waters in the field and controlled lab environment.

  • Led by Maycira Costa
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Simulating Resilient Landscapes (SURREAL) Lab

  • Our lab integrates geospatial technologies, simulation modelling and visualization tools for helping communities and government build resilience landscapes.

  • Led by Chris Bone
  • Visit our

Social Exergy & Energy


  • Our aim is to understand the emergence of clusters of low-carbon and renewable energy innovations and energy citizenship. 

  • Led by Christina Hoicka
  • Visit our 

Whale Research

  • Our lab conducts extensive field research to collect information on marine creatures and combine these field data sets with cutting-edge Geographic Information System analysis.

  • Led by Dave Duffus
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