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Transformative Climate Action Program

Concerned about climate change and eager to contribute to effective climate action? That is the focus of the Transformative Climate Action (TCA) Certificate!

TCA is an interdisciplinary program jointly offered by the School of Environmental Studies and the Division of Continuing Studies. It focuses on the social and political challenges that often block effective climate action. Courses use hands-on, applied learning to build skills needed to reduce climate impacts. The program emphasizes reducing emissions, supporting decolonization, boosting social resilience, and overcoming polarization.

To increase accessibility, many TCA courses are offered online asynchronously, with optional in-person or synchronous elements. Some are offered as five-day in-person intensive courses, and others are taught in-person over a full term. There are also many UVic courses that you can use as electives towards the TCA Certificate.

TCA is also very flexible. Courses in the program have no prerequisites, so you can take what interests you. You can use up to three TCA courses towards your degree requirements if you are an ES major or minor. You can also add the Certificate to your undergraduate degree, or do the Certificate on its own.

For more information about the program, please go to the website. Current courses are listed in the academic calendar.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the program’s academic director, Dr. Kara Shaw, or the program coordinator, Becky Rogers.