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James K. Rowe

James Rowe - Environmental Studies

Associate professor

Environmental Studies

Office: DTB A143 250-853-3574
PhD (Politics) 2009, University of California, Santa Cruz
Area of expertise:
Political ecology, embodied social change, climate finance and politics, social movement politics

Office Hours

Thursdays 3-5pm


  • how existential fear shapes political outcomes
  • how mind-body practices can support positive political change
  • the relationship between "inner" and "outer" change
  • how social movements can counter the concentrated power of economic elites
  • how finance capital and their government regulators can both block and accelerate climate action

About James K. Rowe

James' interdisciplinary research program is motivated by a desire to understand and strengthen social movements working towards social and ecological justice. His work cuts across three main areas – political theory, social movement strategy, and political economy – in order to develop an integrated and critical understanding of the challenges social movements face. James recently authored the book . His work has also appeared in the journals: The Arrow, BC Studies, BioScience, Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, New Political Science, Socialist Studies, Studies in Political Economy, and Theory & Event. He has also written for public-facing outlets: The ConversationCorporate Knights, Jacobin, openDemocracy, Truthout, The Tyee, Vancouver Sun, The National Observer, and Waging Nonviolence. James has received both the Andy Farquharson Award for Teaching Excellence and the Social Science Teaching Excellence Award.

Accepting Grad Students?

 James is not accepting new graduate students at this time.