
Resolving allegations

There are multiple ways to approach the resolution of non-academic misconduct allegations.

Informal resolution is encouraged whenever possible through respectful and direct communication, education, apologies and conciliation. If informal resolution is not possible or appropriate to engage in, an investigation process can be considered.

Investigation process

When an investigation process is initiated, the Office of Student Life (OSL) follows the processes and procedures that are outlined in the Resolution of Non-Academic Misconduct Allegations policy (AC1300).

This process involves engaging with parties to collect relevant information and making a decision about whether or not non-academic misconduct has occurred. In cases where a student is found responsible for non-academic misconduct, OSL determines or makes recommendations on appropriate sanctions.

Fairness and appeals

OSL is committed to providing clear and transparent processes in all proceedings involving allegations of non-academic misconduct and is committed to implementing the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness in the resolution of allegations under this policy.

Questions and concerns

At any stage of a student conduct process, students are welcome to contact OSL to raise any questions or concerns about the process. Please contact OSL as soon as possible if you have any questions or concerns you would like to address.

Opportunity to appeal

If a student is found responsible for non-academic misconduct, it is possible to appeal the determination or the sanction applied. Procedures for the appeal are described in the policy and students have the opportunity to work with a student support coordinator during an appeal process. Students can also connect with the university's ombudsperson for assistance to learn about the appeal process.


Prior to engaging with an investigation at OSL, the first step of the process for students is to engage with options for support. A variety of on campus resources are available to students involved in non-academic misconduct processes, including access to the student support coordinator program.

A student support coordinator can be paired to work with students throughout each step of the process and can assist with making an individualized support plan. A student support coordinator can attend meetings with students in a support role.

For students looking for additional advice or support related to a student conduct process, the university's is a resource available to undergraduate and graduate students.