
Meet the Academic Advising Team

Welcome to the Academic Advising Centre for the Faculties of Humanities, Science and Social Sciences.

The Academic Advising Centre is here to support you on your academic journey. If you have questions about planning your degree, we want to hear from you. That can range from a check-in on your progress in your studies, to connecting you with resources if you are concerned about a course, and to clarifying your degree requirements. We want to make sure you have the information you need to make informed decisions about your education.

Working with Academic Advising throughout your degree can help you make the most of your university experience and connect you with different opportunities

Ready to book an appointment? Click here. Want to connect over email? Contact us at .

Have a quick question? Call us at 250-721-7567 ext. 6.

We look forward to meeting you!


Susan C Profile


Associate Registrar

My tip for students: Do at least one thing to enrich your university experience. By paying attention to what you are excited about in your courses and co-curricular activities you will discover the different paths your degree may take you now and in your future.
Janine M Profile


Assistant Registrar

My tip for students: Look for ways to engage with the campus as much as you can! There are a lot of opportunities outside of the classroom that help enrich what you are learning inside the classroom.
ADVA Image Coming Soon


Administrative Officer

My tip for students: There is no one right road to success. Take your time, choose the path that feels like "success" to you. And there are people all around campus that are there to help you, answer questions, provide options. We'd love to see you at the Advising Centre.
Lori Olson Profile


Senior Consultant, Academic Advising

My tip for students: Strive to find the courage to be open to new opportunities and the self-confidence to take ownership of your education!
Melana M Profile


Manager, Academic Advising

My tip for students: It's okay to not know what your exact major will be when you start classes in September. Learning your strengths and what captivates your academic curiosity, what challenges you, and what you need to do to overcome those obstacles are important steps in this discovery.
Dave W Profile


Frontline Coordinator

My tip for students: Never be afraid to reach out and ask if you don't know something with certainty; there is no such thing as a stupid question! As Einstein said: "assumptions are made, and most assumptions are wrong."
ADVA Image Coming Soon


Indigenous Academic Advising Consultant

My tip for students: Want more for yourself and imagine the endless possibilities of this academic journey.
Kelly C Profile


Academic Advising Consultant, Curriculum

My tip for students: Follow your passion. Wherever it takes you and whatever you end up doing, it's important that you enjoy the journey.
Ashleigh L Profile


Coordinator, Student Programs

My tip for students: Find a way to connect with campus life—volunteer for an event, seek a student job, join a club or course union. These experiences are memorable and can lead to discovering future opportunities.
Chantelle H Profile


Coordinator, Student Programs

My tip for students: Check in with advising every once in a while—after all, you don't know what you don't know!
Chrissy S Profile


Coordinator, Information Systems

My tip for students: Now is the time to explore outside of your comfort zone. Keep an open mind and heart to the opportunities awaiting for you, including finding the support you need along the way.
Hanna G Profile


Academic Adviser

My tip for students: Don’t be afraid to change your mind! You’ll learn so much about yourself in university and discovering new interests is only natural. Meet with an adviser if you think you may want to pursue a different direction with your degree; we can help you explore everything UVic has to offer!
Jennifer O Profile


Academic Adviser

My tip for students: Take your degree seriously and lightly at the same time; Don't get too upset about your mistakes and stay focused on your end goal.
Megan W Profile


Academic Adviser

My tip for students: Build relationships with people—friends, faculty, staff—who can help you navigate university, have fun, and learn and grow as a person.
Sherri W Profile


Academic Adviser

My tip for students: Utilize the academic and student support services available to help you succeed in your studies from the start of your degree program. Enhance your UVic experience by joining a club or course union or by participating in co-op or an exchange.
Shu-Min H Profile


Academic Adviser

My tip for students: Connect with the Academic Advising Centre and other support services early and often throughout your degree program.
Adrianna T Profile


Assistant to the Associate Dean

My tip for students: Try your best to stay organized and don't be afraid to ask for help!
Hanna G Profile


Assistant to the Associate Dean

My tip for students: Electives are your friends! I switched my entire major because of one elective and I don't regret it for a second.
Holden B Profile


Frontline Adviser

My tip for students: Never be afraid to reach out to us for help, because that's what we're here for. You may think your question isn't worth asking but sometimes those little questions have bigger ramifications than you realize.
Marina B Profile


Frontline Adviser

My tip for students: Join a study group! Your classmates are invaluable resources for studying, but they may also become your lifelong friends. The more you engage with course materials, the more you will learn and retain; however, make sure you still make time to relax and take breaks.
Eleanor L Profile


Data and Applications Coordinator

My tip for students: Do not hesitate to leverage the expertise, experience and encouragement of the academic advising community in order to get the most out of your time at UVic.