

Looking for a particular form and don't see it here? Many other forms related to your academic credential can be accessed through the Office of the Registrar.

Academic advising proxy

An Academic Advising Proxy form is issued when a student is unable to act on their own behalf due to hospitalization, illness, mental health issues or language barriers. By completing and signing this form, you are giving permission for another individual to act on your behalf as it pertains to your advising record in the Academic Advising Centre.

The Academic Advising Centre recommends that you provide proxy for the minimum amount of time necessary. You may give consent for a maximum of 12 months and then renew it as needed. You should indicate which areas of your Academic Advising record you are releasing for the proxy.

Academic Advising Proxy form

Consent to participate in an advising consultation

Once you have started courses at UVic, you may submit this form to allow another person (e.g., parent, guardian, friend) to attend your academic advising appointment. By completing and signing this form, you agree to share personal information with the person identified on the form. You must present your signed Consent to Participate in Advising Consultation form at the time you are booking an appointment.

Consent to Participate in an Advising Consultation form

Program declaration or change

Review the declare your program page prior to submitting your request for program declaration or change.

Program declaration or change page

Request for course overload

If you want to enroll in more than the maximum units allowed in a term, you must submit a request for course overload. You are regularly permitted to register in up to 9.0 units of coursework in each term of the Winter Session (September-December and January-April) and for the entire Summer Session (May-August). To request registration in more than 9.0 units, complete and submit this form.

Please note: submitting this form does not guarantee approval.

Request for Course Overload form

Request for letter of permission

If you aim to take a course at another college or university, you must submit a Request for a Letter of Permission to Take Courses Elsewhere (LoP) form. If you are using transfer credit towards a UVic degree you will need to be aware of your degree requirements. It is your responsibility to ensure that all degree requirements are met. A LoP will clarify how credit will transfer to UVic, but not how it will apply to your degree.

Please note: you must submit this request form before you register in courses at the visiting institution.

Request for Letter of Permission to Take Courses Elsewhere form

Request for pre-requisite waiver

If you believe that you have sufficient background to be exempted from a specific pre-requisite for a course, you may request a pre-requisite waiver. Submit this waiver request form to the department or school offering the course. Contact the department or school’s main office to find out where to electronically submit your waiver form.

Please note: it is your responsibility to provide any relevant documentation to support your request (see instructions on page 2 of the form for details).

Tri-Faculty Request for Pre-requisite Waiver form

Request for surplus credit allocation (course holdout)

Prior to graduation, you may realize that you have completed more course credits than are needed to meet your degree requirements. These extra credits might be applicable to a future diploma or bachelor’s degree. To review your record and determine whether you have any surplus credits that qualify to hold out from your current degree, book an appointment with an academic adviser.

Please note: you must complete this process prior to graduation, otherwise unused credits cannot be applied to future qualifications.

Request for Surplus Credit Allocation (Holding Out Courses) form