
Post-degree planning

Ever wonder what will come next after your undergraduate degree? Maybe you are hoping to land a job you love after graduation, considering another degree or designation or hoping to accomplish both. Sometimes planning your undergraduate degree requires looking forward to the next steps.

Prepare for a professional designation

You may imagine a future as a Medical Doctor (MD), Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), an Architect (MArch or MLA) or countless other possibilities. Depending on your career plans, a professional program or designation may be a path you choose to pursue as you plan your studies.

We have gathered some resources to help you with your research and planning. Although this list is not exhaustive, it does contain information regarding many professional programs and designations that might be of interest to you.

See the preparing for a professional designation tab on our program planning page for more information on professional programs not offered at UVic.

Plan for graduate school

If a graduate degree is something that you are considering, it is never too early to start looking at programs. This preliminary research will help you learn more about graduate program options and requirements, allowing you plan ahead for the future.

UVic offers a variety of graduate programs. There are also many options at other post-secondary institutions across Canada and worldwide.

If you are currently studying at UVic, then you may want to begin your research by reviewing UVic’s graduate programs. Even if you don't end up pursuing a degree here, you can always learn more about graduate programs and ask faculty members your questions in person.

See the graduate admissions page for more information on UVic graduate programs.

Look ahead to future jobs and careers

Career Services supports students as they seek to plan their future careers. They offer the following services:

  • career planning and workshops
  • resume and cover letter preparation
  • mock job interviews
  • professional development training
  • one-on-one appointments with career educators

Career educators can work with you to explore, research and plan your career. Visit the Career Services site to make an appointment.

For specific information about what careers you might be interested in based on your academic program(s), check out the hands-on learning page.