
Crossing Boundaries

Crossing Boundaries is the interdisciplinary journal of the Graduate Students in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the 番茄社区.

The second edition of Crossing Boundaries continues to build on the foundation set by last year's inaugural edition. Returning features include several articles on graduate student research that exemplify some of the breadth of expertise in SEOS, as well as photos from student experiences in the lab, out in the field, and socializing with the SEOS community. New features include a spotlight on honours undergraduate research and profiles of SEOS alumni and their accomplishments since graduating.



  • 2019-05 Crossing Boundaries From Editor-in-chief, Amanda Timmerman, "The momentum for a magazine to showcase the research within our department was quickly shared by a few graduate students. We wanted something tangible to share with potential students, colleagues, and the general public. With the wide breadth of disciplines that are encompassed within the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Crossing Boundaries is the perfect title for our magazine. Our department does indeed cross boundaries from atmosphere to oceans to rocks. Each article has rigorously been edited by someone within and outside the discipline. Part of the goal was to write the articles so that a wider audience could understand, instead of writing to only people within our respective fields. This a perfect way to showcase our diverse and innovative research within the department."