
Fundamental science

Marla Cervantes
Graduate student Marla Cervantes designs components for the UVic-led Advanced Rare Isotope Laboratory (ARIEL) at Canada's TRIUMF lab.

Transforming our understanding from the subparticle to the universe

Whether they’re uncovering the nature of subatomic particles, unravelling the formation of galaxies, or uncovering the complex relationships and patterns that put our world together, UVic scientists and mathematicians are changing our perspective on fundamental questions. The impact of their research can revolutionize our health care, electronics, manufacturing, and environmental remediation.

Our edge:

  • Collaborations locally and nationally with the , , as well across the globe with and .
  • The leader of the construction of the  at TRIUMF
  • 2nd in Canada for scientific impact in physical sciences and engineering, and math and computer science (Leiden University Rankings)

Key groups:

UVic Science:
Other groups and centres:

Dean Karlen

ARIEL moves closer to completion

The facility will dramatically increase rare isotope production for scientific research while also creating health and economic benefits.

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Sara Ellison

Searching for supermassive black hole pairs

Sara Ellison has discovered an inspired method of finding the elusive pairing of supermassive black holes that mark merging galaxies.

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Kim Venn and Mason Lamb

Program builds partnerships between astronomy and tech

ARC is the principal investigator for a cross-Canada collaborative, which aims to build partnerships between researchers and the private sector to facilitate the introduction of technologies incubated in astronomy research centres to potential industry partners.

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