
Research resources

There are significant technical resources available at VISPA necessary to successfully carry out research in subatomic and accelerator physics:

  • Technical staff include personnel supported through NSERC and TRIUMF:
    • detector technologist
    • electronics technician
    • designers/engineers
    • machine shop staff
  • A detector laboratory is available to build and test equipment
    • class 10000 cleanroom
    • vacuum equipment
    • UV laser and optics table
  • Electronics shop
  • Machine shop

NSERC sponsored resources are made available through the Major Resources Support Grant program. In cooperation with MRS facilities at and , the resources are made available to the whole subatomic physics community in Canada. Requests for these resources are considered and prioritized by a common board (see below). Contact the VISPA director for more information about how to access these resources. This should be completed when making a request.

Projects currently underway or recently comepleted include:

  • ATLAS calorimeter upgrade (Led by Gerald Oakham, Carleton University)
  • ATLAS LAr Trigger Electronics Upgrade (Led by Richard Keeler, 番茄社区)
  • T2K TPC readout upgrade (Led by Blair Jamieson, University of Winnipeg)
  • E-linac view screen diagnostic system and retractable beam stop (Led by Dean Karlen, 番茄社区/TRIUMF)
  • ARIEL-II electron beam photo-converter and ion extraction optics (Led by Pierre Bricault and Alex Gottberg, TRIUMF)
  • Belle II detector upgrade (Led by Michael Roney, 番茄社区)

The following people will review requests to access the resources of the MRS facilities at VISPA, Carleton University, and Queens University:

  • Kevin Graham (Carleton)
  • Dean Karlen (U Vic)
  • Tom Mattison (UBC)
  • Brigitte Vachon (McGill)
  • Mark Boulay (Carleton)
  • Tony Noble (Queens)
  • Blair Jamieson (Winnipeg)
  • Akira Konaka (TRIUMF)
  • Mike Roney (IPP)