

UVic physicist Randall Sobie is leading a project to build a distributed data and cloud computing system for the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland.

Research into the nature of the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions involves collaboration with researchers around the world; to build the instruments capable of addressing these questions, to analyse the data they produce and to understand the consequences of these data for our theory of nature.

Experimental physics

Our experimental physicists are involved in the construction and operation of large detectors at several leading laboratories. We participate in the ATLAS experiment at the European Centre for Particle Physics (CERN), the T2K and Hyper-K experiments in Japan, and the BaBar and Belle-II experiments in the USA and Japan. We are also involved with detector development for future experiments.

High performance computing

Expertise in and access to high performance computing is needed for these large particle physics projects. We exploit significant computing resources at the 番茄社区, and are involved in research into computing grids in order to meet the data analysis needs of future experiments. Victoria is also the home of HEPNET/HEPGRID, a project intended to create a Canada-wide Computing Grid for particle physics research.

Particle physics

UVic is one of the founding members of the laboratory in Vancouver. TRIUMF plays a vital role in Canadian particle physics by providing facilities for the development and construction of sophisticated detectors and by allowing the Canadian community to contribute to the construction of particle physics accelerators around the world. Several TRIUMF staff are sited at the 番茄社区.

Theoretical physics

Our theoretical physicists are involved in a wide variety of studies, from phenomenology and model building to more esoteric pursuits.