
Dark Energy: VISPA Particle Astrophysics

dark energy vs. dark matter

UVic is the founding leader of a 40-person international collaboration, called  ("Airborne Laser for Telescopic Atmospheric Interference Reduction"), to eliminate the largest uncertainty in measurements of , as well as a major uncertainty in the search for from the instants just after the Big Bang.  

Measurements of dark energy, the most precise of which use to measure the expansion history of our universe, are limited in their precision by uncertainties -- how precisely and accurately one can measure the brightness (i.e. the ) of the supernovae.  Photometric calibration in astronomy has historically been performed using :  stars whose magnitude and/or spectra have been calibrated SNIa Hubble diagramvia either direct or indirect comparison with laboratory standards. This technique is fundamentally limited to precisions of order 1%, due to stellar variability and other uncertainties, whereas laboratory-based photometry and radiometry routinely obtain precisions of O(0.01%). The project is, thus, erasing this discrepancy, in order to understand what dark energy is, via present flights of precision-calibrated light sources in light (2.5 kg) payloads on balloons above the atmosphere (and later on [in ~2019] via a dedicated ).

ALTAIR uses the completely new technique of floating in-situ-calibrated light sources above astronomical observatories (such as on Mauna Kea in Hawaii, in Chile and, in the microwave spectrum, the in Antarctica) to sharply reduce photometric (and, in the microwave spectrum, ) uncertainties by two orders of magnitude.  In the optical spectrum, the light sources consist of thermally-controlled laser diode modules (presently at 440 [blue], 532 [green], 635, and 690 [red] nm wavelengths) output into anPayload 3D CAD model , and constantly monitored by a NIST-calibratedPayload photograph .  In the microwave spectrum, our source is a .  A 3D CAD model drawing and a photograph of our optical balloon payloads can be found on the left and right (click for larger pictures). Our initial microwave balloon payloads are presently being designed and constructed at the Univ. of Toronto. Launch photoWe regularly launch and perform observations of our payloads: our primary flight facility is in New Hampshire, and we will also be beginning flights over in Arizona in January 2013, over  in late 2013 and early 2014, and over  in early 2015. UVic's instrumentation responsibilities include the optical payload sources: we have designed, constructed, and flown the initial sources, and, Nanosattogether with NRC-INMS in Ottawa and NIST in Maryland, will be performing precise laboratory calibration of source optical output properties in 2013-2015.


Postdoctoral fellow:

Graduate student:

  • being hired! -- let us know if you are interested!


  • Spencer Bialek
  • James Hartwick
  • Kevin Hildebrand
  • Nikita Kuklev
  • Zhuoni Qian
  • ... please let us know if you are interested!
  • J. Albert, Astronomical Journal 143, 8 (2012)
  • J. Albert, M. Fagin, Y. Brown et al, Astro. Soc. Pacific conference series (2012)
  • J. Albert, K. Foster, J. Battat et al, white paper for the National Academy of Sciences ASTRO2010 Decadal Survey
  • J. Albert, W. Burgett, and J. Rhodes, arXiv:astro-ph/0604339
  • J. Albert, Fermilab, 16 Apr. 2012
  • M. Fagin, Fermilab, 16 Apr. 2012
  • C. Stubbs, Fermilab, 16 Apr. 2012
  • J. Albert, UVic, 2 Feb. 2011